Is This A Good Idea?

in Reflections9 months ago

Saturday was a special day for most kids in the world. It was International Children's Day, an event celebrated worldwide, but in a different way.


Children's Day is a commemorative date celebrated annually in honour of children, whose date of observance varies by country. In 1925, International Children's Day was first proclaimed in Geneva during the World Conference on Child Welfare. Since 1950, it is celebrated on 1 June in many countries, which follow the suggestion from Women's International Democratic Federation. source


This day is taken seriously, it's a public holiday now, even though this year it fell on Saturday, which is not a workday anyway. Most likely some people were angry about losing a good opportunity to get a free day, but that's their problem. The only shop I saw was closed was the bakery at the corner, but this is not the topic I'd like to talk about today.

On Saturday I went to a restaurant, a very nice one that I like to visit whenever I am in that area. It was in the morning, before opening and I had a tea with the owners, while everything was quiet. Being International Children's Day, I asked the owners what they prepared for this special occasion. The answer I got surprised me a lot, but in a good sense.


First of all, they prepared a special meal for children, which I'm sure would charm every kid, but the cherry on the cake was what came with it. They had a special offer, which said, those families that are willing to turn off their phones, place it in the basket on the table and keep it turned off during their stay, can have their kids' meal for free.

When I heard about the offer, I knew exactly why the initiative and was curious to know how the guests would react. This was not the first attempt, they most likely had this in previous years as well as they knew people would react in a different way. They say there were people who got upset, saying it's their private business if they use their phones at the dinner table or not. These are the short sighted people, needless to say, because this is an offer and not something mandatory. So you either use it, or you don't, it's up to you, no one can force you.

The other half was happy to comply, even those who had no kids opted to turn their phone off during their meal, even though there was no reward for them as the offer covered only kids under 12. They said it's a good idea and needs to b promoted. I love people like them

I bet we have all seen individuals, group of people and entire families using their phones during their lunch or dinner. Now imagine what waiters and waitresses have to witness all day every day. They could tell you some interesting stories for sure.


The truth is, this is becoming an huge issue and the more technology advances, the more addicted people starting to become. We have QR codes on the table these days, to check the menu, or details regarding dishes, that is fine. But using your phone at the dinner or lunch table, when there's no emergency, just to entertain yourself, is disrespectful towards the others.

Even worse, when you see parents give their phones to their kids, to shut them up and make them behave as they see this as the only method of keeping them quiet. Growing up like this, they will never learn to put their phone down during meals and respect those at the table.


A few decades ago there were strict rules in place and those deviating from what it's been considered normal, were labeled and made to face the consequences. Times are changing, those strict rules are not in place anymore. However, this is common sense, respect is something you should never forget about and sitting at the dinner table with others should be an occasion to socialize and enjoy each other's company, not to access social media platforms, to see what others have been doing.

If we continue like this, we may as well have dinner with robots. In some countries robots are rented out to keep company of the elderly, help them take their medication and get through the day, because people are busy with other things. Robots are already serving drinks, welcoming guests at hotels and some crazy people in the other end of the world are going on a date with a virtual person, generated by AI.

What do you think? Would you turn your phone off and put it in the basket during dinner?

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I would definitely put my phone in the basket. Very good idea.

It's unfortunate that they have to make those kinds of offers to get people to step away from their phones during dinner, that should be normal behavior. And the saddest thing is that it's getting worse every day.

I waited with the replies to see how the community react and I'm glad to see everyone, without exception said they would join in. There's no way to know if things will turn but at least I was able to raise awareness and maybe by doing our part, we can contribute to changing things.

Every effort to raise awareness is welcome, thank you for doing it 😊.

I think that more and more people are realizing that we have to put limits to the use of technology. It is essential in modern life, but we must recognize that we abuse it. And children are the most affected, from a very early age they come into contact with all kinds of screens and we have to know how to dose that exposure. It is the task of adults to do it and do it well. First of all, we have to do it ourselves and lead by example. The time to sit at the table, whether at breakfast, lunch or dinner, is a good time for everyone to leave their screens and share that time looking at each other and talking. We do it at home and I'm glad we do. 🤗

I think it is a fabulous idea! Lots of parents use the phones, tablets and television as virtual babysitters much to detriment of the kids. A child should learn early how and when to engage with others at the dinner table be they family or not. I'm not an ettiquette stickler but some things should absolutely be taught to children so they may be at ease in social situations later on.

Lots of parents use the phones, tablets and television as virtual babysitters much to detriment of the kids.

You're so right! I didn't want to mention television in my post, but as you say, it has become virtual babysitter and the damage such a behavior can do is huge.

That should be a norm, by common sense... but unfortunately, it is not the case. I don't like it when I am attached to my phone - as we all are, so sometimes I used to "forget" it at home hahaha, so I am not tempted to use it. I should try to do this more often (leaving it at home)

P.S. Definitely a good idea prompted by the restaurant!

That should be a norm, by common sense

We agree on that! I don't like to be attached to it, but with trading, it's hard not to. Plus look at the life we're living, you go shopping, and you need the apps on your phone to get the offers and discounts.

Today I left my phone at home and went shopping without it and you know what was my first thought? If anything happens to me, I can't even call for help as there are no payphones anywhere these days and who knows, maybe your life can depend on getting help quickly. But using your phone during lunch or dinner is a totally different thing.

Let's hope other restaurants can join too.

It's a good idea that parents should also do at home. Once mealtime, no phone or television. Instead, have time to talk with them and ask how they made their day. The restaurant reminds everyone to spend time with children. It is very important to let them feel their parents are around, caring for and loving them.

It's a good idea that parents should also do at home. Once mealtime, no phone or television.

Those parents that allow children to use their phone at the dinner table at home, should think twice in my opinion.

I just found out that there is an international children's day hahaha I always knew that each country had its own date and its own reasons beyond the commercial but I had not thought that there was a world date for this. I find it hard to believe that there are people so stupid to have bothered, my friend clearly it is an option that you are given, no one is forcing you to anything and you should be grateful that you are given that possibility to choose.

And I'm surprised to read children's day is not known in other countries. It's sad because kids like it and it's a good occasion for parents and children to spend time together, plus get some presents as well.

And it's true, there's a category of people that the only thing they know is to protest against everything and everyone, regardless what it is about. It is sad.

In Paraguay they celebrate Children's Day because in a war they had to send children to the front to fight and a lot of them died, so they commemorate that tragedy.

I once worked in an Eatery and using phone while eating was(and still is) a thing many people are very fond of. Maybe I'm fond of it too. Lol😅

The idea is good, it's a means of creating a little bond and concentration between the children and the parents.

I once worked in an Eatery and using phone while eating was(and still is) a thing many people are very fond of. Maybe I'm fond of it too. Lol😅

That doesn't mean it's right though :)

Yeah, that's true 👍

Great pictures! I like where you live and hope soon to visit to enjoy flowers 😉

In our daily life, we encounter innovations that can perhaps be considered revolutionary in our lives, at a speed that cannot be prevented by technology. Generally speaking, I support developments that will make human beings' jobs easier and more practical. But for children, I think some developments may have negative reactions. We know very well how quickly our children in infancy and childhood learn information. As children grow up, their first centers of inquiry to find the truth are their mothers and fathers. That's why we must give our children behavior, knowledge, love and tolerance by showing them ourselves. We cannot trust a piece of equipment thrust into children's hands.

I never play on the phone during dinner or during a conversation. This is disrespectful to the other person. My priority is always the time I spend with the people I care about and love.

Education starts at home and if they don't learn respect at that age, they never will.

A great initiative to the owner of the restaurant. 😊 I would gladly turn it off for the free meal.😁

Me too, and I hope more will join in :)

Yeah I hope the post you shared makes other restaurants realize and follow the initiative. 😊

The stigmatization of social media is becoming detrimental in some sense. We lack the discipline on handling phones and that must be corrected

It's not even the discipline, more like the need to fit the mood and the expectation of the masses, FOMO, I'd say. If you're not present on every platform, you don't exist. That's what it looks like.

But that would mean obsession. Must one be on every platform?

Of course not.

look what we had to make do with before AI robots, very embarrassing taking Gladys down to the disco!!

Ho HUm!

Totally agree no phones ever during family time, be it at meal times or out for a walk in the park. The number of times I have seen a kid in a pram being pushed along with an ipad or similar in their chubby little hands. Lazy bad parenting!

I have never heard of Int. childrens day here in the UK.... which surprises me as the stores sell cards for every occasion.... got to make money at every opportunity!!!!