The whole thing started about two weeks ago, when I wanted to enter the supermarket and had no token to unlock a trolley. I was standing in front of the trolleys, looking into my wallet hopelessly, when an old lady approached me and handed me over a yellow, plastic token. Most of the days that piece of plastic is worthless, but when you need it, it worth quite a lot, which was the case on the day in question. At first I didn't want to take it as I could have just gone inside and ask for some change at the cashier, but the nice lady insisted, telling me she has several of those, so I had no other choice but to accept it. It was an act of kindness on her behalf, she paid attention to what was happening around her and rushed to help me out in an awkward situation. Most of the people forget about it the minute they enter the supermarket, but I couldn't. It meant a lot to me and most likely I will remember the scene for some time on.

The next day I went to a fair, which turned out to be rather disappointing, poorly organized, so after four minutes I decided to leave. That was when an old lady approached me and asked if I speak English. "Yes, I do" I said and asked her How can I help? Turned out her and her husband wanted to visit the museum, where the fair was held, but the door was locked, they speak neither Romanian nor Hungarian and they didn't know who to turn to. So I went on and found the museum lady and stayed with them till they bought the tickets, shared a few important information with them as I knew the museum well. They were both very grateful and happy they could finally start exploring the beauty of the museum.
While I was walking towards my destination was thinking, was this kind of pay it forward? I mean the kindness I got from the old lady, the day before. Whatever it was, I was happy and considered myself lucky, to have given the chance to help. This is a thing for me already, whenever I see foreigners, I always stop to see if they need help and step in whenever help is needed. I got help countless times while abroad, from total strangers, I know what it means and want to help whenever I can because that's the right thing to do.

A couple of days later I was at the grocery store, doing my usual shopping and on my way to the cashier, I saw two old ladies, trying to scan a product, to check the price. Poor ladies were holding the product to the display, not to the scanning area. No wonder the scanner didn't want to work. How can you not help in cases like this? So I took the product from her hand and scanned it. You should have seen their faces, it lit up instantly and I got two big smiles and a river of appreciation words. It took me 5 seconds to help them, maybe contributed to selling the product and solving their problem, as well as showed them how to use the scanner.

This week I was at the same grocery store, buying bottled water, as always, when I saw an old lady looking at the top shelf at the water section. I took what I always buy when it comes to water, and she was still standing there, looking at the top shelf, so I asked her if I can help in any way. Poor lady, she told me she'd like a bottle from the top shelf, but could not reach it. She managed to knock it down, but was still not close enough to grab it. It was super easy for me to get two bottles for her, which I did immediately and asked her if I can help with other things as well. Again, a river of appreciation words followed and a big smile.

These are moments, that happen in our life every now and then. I'm not the superstitious or the overthinking type, to look for connections between cases or to build theories, about why it happens or why not, or what it means. I do these things for others when it is needed, then forget about them as I focus on what I have to do next. This is normal to me and how it should be in my opinion. But I don't forget the kindness I get from others. Those acts stay printed in my memory for awhile.
Then today, while curating, I came across a post by @peacious, in which I read that the bus sank into a pothole filled with water and people offered to help, for money. 😳 This is shocking, to say the least.
Last year a car accident happened where my dad lives. It was 3am, freezing drizzle, the road was slippery and a young couple, in a hurry to get to the airport, ended up with their car upside down in the ditch. Those who lived closest to the scene, hurried out to help, brought warm clothes, tea as well and hosted them till help arrived. This is what you do when someone is in trouble.

Life is not always a bed of roses and you see all kinds of people, reacting to things in a different way. Some help without hesitation, while others remain indifferent.
Hive is not any different. (Why would it be different, right?) There are users who are constantly working on helping others and there are users who are constantly working on helping themselves and themselves only.
I'm wondering how much effort it takes to pay attention to what's happening around you and give a helping hand to those in need? Life is hard enough as it is, no need to make it harder. We can change a lot with small gestures and most of the time help does not involve money.
You have a choice to choose in which team you are. It depends exclusively on you and it's never too late to change.

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- Community List And Why It Is Important To Post In The Right Community
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- Newbie Expectations And Reality

It's good that you write about this, as I've been thinking the same thing for days. You do well to help whoever needs it and move on. We will always need help at some point and we will not be alone. This is guaranteed.
I feel the same way here at Hive. It's like a big cosmopolitan city where we interact a lot and we can see the true nature of people, if we pay just a little attention.
Thank you. It's been a pleasure reading you.
You can write about it too as it's never too much in my opinion and maybe we can change a few minds, which is a win already.
You're right about that, if we're lucky, we'll get to an age, where we'll need all the help we can get.
Hive is indeed, like a big cosmopolitan city and you find the same people here, as in real life, some good, some bad and others very bad, just as in life.
Please feel free to tag me if you publish your post.
It's really good to be good. Helping without expecting anything in return. Rewards for that act might come later one way or the other but people differ and you can just meet the selfish ones that will look the other way or want something in return immediately.
Another reminder for me to always help people in need.
I love your kind heart ❤️
Thanks for sharing
That's the only way, otherwise it's not helping and it's called differently. I've seen that on Hive countless times. People delegate to others, then they expect to be voted, and when that doesn't happen, they get angry. What kind of help is that? In my book, if you want to help, do it without expecting anything back!
Thanks for the comment 😍
My Pleasure! ❤️
Life is almost never a bed of roses. Sometimes, we just get strong enough to bear with the thorns.
"Drop in the ocean" - a phrase I live by now. It doesn't take much to make a difference in someone's life, and it feels good to do good. It all accumulates, and the ocean of positive feelings and work becomes bigger. Sad to hear about the bus story...almost unrelatable.
I have received a lot of good, from strangers, from hivers, from you, and I love giving back as much as I can. It makes life so much least to me.
"Drop in the ocean" is the right expression, and all those drops together form the ocean, if we all do our part.
We're on the same page with the topic, I know how much you help all the time, giving up what it's yours, just to help others and that speaks volume about you. It's the right way in my opinion and I hope others will follow. Every little bit helps. No act of kindness is too small.
I have a draft with paying it forward in the title. It’s really how I live my life these days, although I am also guilty of often not paying attention to what’s happening around me. Sometimes mind just takes over and I get too entangled it its stories 😉
I love reading about those acts of kindness you received and give generously around. Keep being the amazing you 😍💙
Looking forward to read it and please feel free to tag me, to not miss it. I'm sure you have a lot to say. Pay it forward is an excellent initiative and I hope our posts can trigger some positive reaction and some change 😇
You keep being amazing too 😘❤️
Exactly, it is gratifying to be able to help, but that emotion belongs to that person who is not selfish, however there are all kinds of people, there are people who simply do not help you, on the contrary they make fun of you.
You nailed it, said it perfectly. I bet some people don't even know how it feels.
Making fun of people in need is the worst thing one can do. Sad.
I must say you a good person, seeing people and helping them despite the fact that you don't know them. That's an act of kindness and if we all could be this kind then I tell you that the world will be a paradise on earth.
I wouldn't say I'm a good person, but I'm trying to do good, whenever I can. You don't need to know them to help. We have several cases on Hive, when members helped a total stranger they didn't even know exists. I didn't want to bring those cases up, but there are several.
Wow.. this is one of the most interesting piece I've read today. Thank you for sharing your experience. One thing about doing good and oing what is right is that it always comes back to you, sometimes in multiple folds. There is a joy that comes with giving and I'm glad you could experience that severally. I really enjoyed reading this, thumbs up.
Thank you @samiwrites, I'm glad you liked my post.
I never think about that because I do what I do because it is needed, not because I expect something in return. It's good to get help when you need it and it's also good to pay it forward. I hope we can change people with our acts and attitude.
You're welcome @erikah I understand your perspective and I totally agree that it's better to give without expecting anything in return. But from my experience whether you expect or not you get blessed.🤗🤗🤗 You're blessed 🤗
Thank you for the nice words @samiwrites 😊
🤗🤗🤗 Anytime @erikah
Do good and don't look at whom. Help does not cost anything, on the contrary, it enriches. Most of us live absorbed in our personal bubble and do not look or listen to our surroundings. People in need are everywhere, just take a good look. Doing good ennobles.
Helping in exchange for money....That's not help.
Beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing such beautiful experiences.
That is a good one and we should learn and practice it. And you're right, most of these acts don't require any money, so why not do it, right?
What that is crazy that someone that is in danger and someone comes along I'll help if you pay me. I honestly don't know if I would act or say something first.
Help because you want to not because it may look good!!
I was shocked too as how can they live with such a conscience, but it looks like it's a good business for them.
That's a lesson many should learn!
A smile and a kind act cost nothing and often mean alot to the recipient. You never know. I have a pair of jumper cables I keep in my car. I've never used them on my own car but have used them several times helping others. My oldest son told me once that when he was in high school he was out late and his car wouldn't start. Someone happened upon them, stopped and helped him. He didn't tell me at the time because he wasn't supposed to be out late but thats another story. The point is that good deeds often come back around in ways you don't expect.
That is very true! It's a small gesture on our behalf, but solves a huge problem for someone.
Lol, your story is a funny one, but shows you're a good person and you care.
"whenever I see foreigners, I always stop to see if they need help and step in whenever help is needed".
I'm always in this situation that I couldn't let them puzzled especially here in my place that I can see in their eyes that they want to ask something, so I automatically ask if I can help them. Saying thank you is enough for me even if they want me to treat some foods/drinks. Always remember that be kind always to everyone.
Foreigners are always a priority for me as I know what it means and imagine, they go home and tell others they were helped by locals. Or not. I speak 4 languages, so I'm ready to jump in, whatever language is needed.
Not accepting treats is a nice gesture and shows you're a kind person. We help because we can and not to be paid. I wish others would see that.
I've been reading at your work, and I realised how profound and simple (make no mistakes about it) you actually are. That fascinates me. Just like this newest work of your. Well done, friend, well done...
Well, simple is the best and I'm glad you liked my post. Do good every day :)
Excellent reflection and very wise words, you are very right in what you say, it is true, sometimes we are so busy or focused on helping ourselves, but what is happening around us? We are not alone in this world.
Daily worries are blinding us most of the times and we don't see things we should. But it's never too late to change.
Small gestures mean the world. I love getting an opportunity to help people. There's so much SHITTY in the world, I don't want to be part of that, you know? And you think, well, if you can be nice, maybe they'll feel good and be nice to the next person, and so on. That's what we have, in the end, don't we? The ability to be good humans to our fellow humans.
Being nice and helping others costs nothing most of the times, so why not do it, right? If we'd all do our part, this world would be a better place for sure.
I am a great believer in karma and what goes around comes around.
My darkside believes in vengeance being a dish served cold
ho hum
Lol, I try not to think of karma and take things as they are, but maybe you're right.
who knows in this mystical few years we call life
Random acts of kindness keep the world turning in the right direction. I've also helped people in the last while and it never gets old. It restores my faith in humanity when I'm on the receiving end and it cements it when I'm on the giving side.
I recently got into an altercation on Hive and it was about that exactly - some users are just here to be painful and cause discontent. Others are always trying in whatever way they can to help the community as a whole.
As with all things in life, there's always two sides to the coin and that's just human nature. Unfortunately.
I couldn't have said it better, how true! And you're also right about the coin having two sides. We have the same people on Hive we have in real life and they act the same I guess. I truly hope the good overwrites the bad though.
It is definitely the most "selfish" act we can do to help our fellow man, no matter how small or how small the support we are providing may seem to be, as someone has written at some point in the past. Clearly, "we take the greatest of rewards". A reward that is not tangible. It is like a feeling of intimate exhilaration that makes you feel completely in harmony with the journey of life we have been given on this "beaten" blue planet of ours. In that sense dear @erikah, your publication has been of great revelation to me, I have read it very carefully. I have been clarified some issues of which I still had doubts. I have always felt uncomfortable, to say the least, for not having a high capacity or voting power, when it comes to having to value publications that I have liked very much. However, I hope that my always sincere words will break through that economic barrier and may be able to touch deeper chords, and be received as an emotional gesture loaded with the weight of the highest karats of gold.
Don't worry about it, you build your stake in time and as you say, words are that matter so thank you for this nice comment, I really appreciate it :)
Excellent post my friend @erikah, I was pleased, grateful and fascinated by how simple acts of kindness and gentleness towards others fill our lives with happiness that money can not buy, seeing their smiles and how grateful they are make us see that life is beautiful despite all the difficult circumstances that we all have to face at some point in our lives. It was a real pleasure to read you, greetings and infinite blessings to you🙏🏻...✨😜
Many thanks @letrasyaventuras. Small gestures and tiny moments of life can change how you feel for sure. No matter how small the gesture is, it can mean the world to the receiving party and solve a huge problem.
Thanks for the nice wishes, greetings to you too and have a nice day 🤗
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Today I came across a pleasant reading about giving without receiving anything in return and being grateful when we are the protagonists of help, I believe that some human beings must learn to live in society, a society where values and help are not impressive but the daily life, very good post, greetings and blessings that he who sows will sooner or later reap.
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