During the journey of life.

in Reflections9 months ago

During our journey in life, most times we find ourselves making very terrible mistakes. Mistakes that we shouldn't think about in the first place. And one of those mistakes is jealousy. Most times, we end up punishing ourselves for what someone else is enjoying. We end up being sad for the joy of another person just because we are jealous of them and it got me asking. What do you stand to gain if you kill yourself over another's success? And the interesting part is, the person you are jealous about is likely innocently living a happy life without a scratch in their heart. But then by the corner, you are sitting, feeling all kinds of pain humanly known. Why do you choose to live in the shackles of another person's happiness? Why not free yourself today?

Another mistake people make is Anger Mmhh... This particular one is quite funny. I read a random quote which I don't recall the auto and it says.

Anger is the punishment you give yourself for another person's mistake

And if you look at it, it's true. Someone else made a mistake and you are punishing yourself for it. Do you know how it's a punishment? I'll tell you. It's a punishment because you are the one who is suffering, your heart is bittered and boiling with pain. And the funniest part is that you did nothing wrong. Someone else did the wrong but you are the one getting punished (self-inflicted punishment.) The more you look at it the more you see that it's truly unnecessary.

Another mistake we make is Entitlement the interesting thing about this particular mistake is that at times we make it without even realizing it. But, I'll say this You are not entitled to anyone's attention or wealth no one owes you anything in this life. You don't have the right to be angry with anyone just because they didn't give you the attention you want from them. Entitlement comes in different ways. At times we get entitled to people's money, time, love or attention. And I'll say it again... They don't owe you anything. Entitlement raises expectations and expectations are the major cause of so many disappointments. So if you want to be less disappointed, then you have to stop feeling entitled to other people.

And the final mistake I will be talking about is Not knowing when to leave. Whatever you do in life, always know when your presence is no longer needed. Always know when to leave, when you are no longer respected in where you are. Please and please kindly walk out. Do not. I repeat, do not remain there not minding what you are gaining. Do not sell your dignity and respect.

Life can be a tough nut. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie once said

There are days you have everything figured out, but there are days you will be jumbling with uncertainties.

But, even if you have it all figured out or you are uncertain, always try to navigate your way out because no one can take care of you the way you do on this endless journey.



It is a complicated situation, there between the emotional intelligence to get rid of it, and of course the personality that is fighting in that situation.

Yea. It's quit true. But it's a fight we must conquer.