I can tell you what it feels like to miss a day; first day you’ll keep saying to yourself that it’s perfectly fine, healthy even, but in the back of your head you’ll have a knacking feeling that you missed a step.
The second and third time it’ll be the same. Then you go two consecutive days of not posting, the feeling is the same. Slowly you acclimatice and it doesn’t feel like missing out that bad anymore. Sooner than you’ll realise, you’ll start gaining distance and it’ll be harder and harder to come back to it. It’s no longer a routine, but a task. You will forget (most of) the people, the flow, how everything works, you will miss out on changes and structure. You will forget.
Not saying either end of the spectrum is good or bad, it’s personal of course, but from experience I can tell you it’s really really hard to come back.