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RE: Breathe Easy

in Reflections4 days ago

Most people in the world are lazy when it comes to doing sports, that's why there are so many obese people in the world. I'm not that fat, but when I gain a few extra pounds because of my bad habits, I feel tired, even my family tells me I look older. But luckily I have never had a hard time losing weight, my big problem is to maintain a stable weight. Nobody wants to feel the pain, the sweat, the cramps in the legs. We would rather have 3 hours of movies, than 30 minutes of pain in the gym, but everyone wants slim bodies even if they deny it.


when I gain a few extra pounds because of my bad habits, I feel tired, even my family tells me I look older.

At least they are comfortable enough to tell you! :D

but everyone wants slim bodies even if they deny it.

I agree. I don't think I have ever met an obese person who doesn't look at slim people with a pang of envy.

But luckily I have never had a hard time losing weight, my big problem is to maintain a stable weight.

Not sure how old you are - but it can change fast ;D