the vast majority of us are blind in things of love

in Reflections2 months ago (edited)

Last Saturday I spent a nice time with some old college friends, I prepared some appetizers and they brought the drinks, amidst jokes and banter One of my friends, who didn't drink, got drunk and started proposing to one of my friends, and the atmosphere became awkward, as it seemed he was still in love with her.And he said to her in a complaining tone why didn't you choose me, I wouldn't have left you.

We didn't know what to do.I took my friend dancing, she was in shock and my partner took her to the patio to try to calm her down But how crazy to love someone for so long in silence and a little alcohol gives you the encouragement to reveal the true feeling.

One of the most beautiful experiences in this life is to fall in love, but when we are not reciprocated we get frustrated, all this happens because we think we should receive the same as we give, that's why rejection hurts so much But real life is not like that you can fall in love with the color of a person's eyes, their body, their hair, their personality and have the most beautiful feelings for that person and they only appreciate you and love us only as a friend.

Loving is something spontaneous, even if the love is not mutual When you really love, you love more than the physical, you love the soul of that person, it is a connection that goes beyond the sexual.That's why I think we are all ignorant when it comes to love, we have a lot of things to learn

We still do not realize that the heart is deceitful because it is very superficial, it is realistic, not analytical But if I had a brain of my own I would understand that we should love those who love us, but we end up loving only those whom we appreciate or want That is why, for me, love is often a tragicomedy.


True love knocked once or twice at our door but ironically we despise it because of what it ends up destroying.

The photos published in this blog are my own property.


Very sad indeed, having someone you deeply love only see you as a friend. I pray thay wont be our portion.

If someone has love for a friend, it is best to express it, learn the lesson and move on. Yes, it is very sad, but true love is not demanded, it is not about control but about freedom.

Honestly you're right. Thanks forshaeing your opinion.