What is happiness

in Reflections21 hours ago

One day a friend told me if I get the house I want and a good man I will be really happy, many people believe that happiness is only achieved by what you want, but happiness is not a sum of objects, but the sum of small experiences that fill us with joy our souls so it can never be an exchange or be part of consumerism happiness is part of the simple of the natural of the unexpected.

Of course, with this I do not mean that material things are not important, of course they are, we can all work to acquire them, but living only for that is the saddest thing.to think that the more I have the better I am or the happier I will be is nonsense.money gives us economic peace, it does not stress us, we are not worried about the bills, but pure and real happiness is the love of a child, the love of a mother, the love of siblings, the love of a partner, the love of faithful friends and the love of a pet the love of nature are things that connect us with the eternal that resides in our souls.

But the years go by very quickly and we end up realizing that happiness is all those moments of joy that we see as common.And true happiness does not depend on a job, nor on a number of titles on the wall, less on a person who loves us, less on traveling and eating out and less on having many material things, nor on following in the footsteps of others who preceded us Happiness consists of embracing ourselves, loving ourselves as we are and following our own path, understanding that it is not only about what we want, because just as they come as a surprise, in an instant, they also go away.

Happiness to me Smells of fresh air and newborn.Smells like freshly cut sunflowers Smells like freshly roasted coffee and hot chocolate Happiness to me smells like wet earth after rain.Happiness to me smells like dry grass, happiness to me smells like my grandmother's hot soup.Happiness to me is walking among nature, is bathing in the rain, is watching the birds sing as they eat fruit, is watching the mist roll down the mountain as the dew bathes all the trees.

Happiness may not last forever, but we will become eternal leaving unforgettable moments in the people who loved us and will appreciate us. they will talk about our anecdotes, our follies and adventures.That is why we must do good without looking at whom, because without those people, those hearts and those minds that cross our path because they are the soil to sow those good memories.


My happiness is to lie on the grass, look at the clouds and let our imagination fly no matter how old we are and recover all those beautiful memories that one day we forgot.

The photos published in this blog are my own property


Excelente texto y foto. La felicidad está dentro de nosotros y muchas veces en las cosas más simples y pequeñas. Gracias por compartir tu post, felicidades.

That's right kenia thank you very much for your visit and have a nice day.