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RE: Protect the vulnerable and speak the truth

in Reflections5 months ago

They are happened to be here for jobs which no American will do for the wages they are willing to do

The idea that Americans would not be able to build without migrants is absurd to me, what would happen is they would get the proper rights and not work for pennies, making slaves out of migrants is way more racist than having a wall installed and proper borders. Do you know how many BILLIONS the USA tax payer gives to this dead beats?? Along with the resident suburban slobs and lazy asses that eat on food stamps? That money given to the native born Americans would really be a boost, instead people in Carolina got 720$ from the fema people and a fuck you from kamala and friends... Seems to me people on the left strive hard to cope and justify the USA being invaded by miserable people from all over the world...

In regard to the criminality of migrants it is clear to me that if you don't have a criminal history and you are legit you have NO PROBLEM in entering the states legally! If you do it illegally you are already committing a crime and should be deported, sounds basic to any sane country, This is normal, and only in parts of Europe UK and USa is this promoted, you never heard about diversity for Africa or China or any other country that is not white and western... seems very suspect to me...


Where do you live?

Got it. Portugal.

Have you ever been to Texas?

I got a cousin living there, i am with the older folk in Portugal the rest of the fmaily is in Brazil atm.

Great. The reason I ask is because if you don't live here it is very hard for you to understand and appreciate who does the "work" in TX. If you remove illegal immigrants from Texas overnight, say hypothetically, the economy will completely stop. None of the restaurants or fast food places can open, no construction job will happen, the agricultural will stop, the oil production will stop, all the schools and universities will close.... I can go on and on. Basically Texas will stop overnight. So this will never happen, okay?

I don't believe all migrants are illegal, and there is no world when a person in power simply uproots people illegal or not.

wont work for me must have some geo ip limits