The image is mine.

Time, is one of the commodity that can't be sold out for money, it requires opportunity, I came to understand that we all have the same twenty four hours but how we manage it is the problem, but I am not to talk on how you spend your time, I only want to encourage someone out there.
Everyone has is own time, the only distance from you and your destiny is time, time is what you need to get to your destination, sometime you feel frustrated because you are tired with the current situation you are experiencing, but all you need is time, your breakthrough is just at the qua nan, you don't give up because you are not getting it right each time you try your best, what you need is time, with time you will get it better.
Sometimes back I was talking to a young girl, who was really tired of being single, each time she comes to my house she always tell my wife that she envy our home, I told her, the best is yet to be released, when your time comes you will get the best, because He makes all things beautiful at his own time so said the word of God.
This year she got married, and I said to her you see, God makes things beautiful in his time, what we need is to be patients, it is a virtue that everyone needs in order to fulfill his or her own destiny.
It was Bishop David Oyadepo that said, life is in stages men are in size, you only need to move per time, when it is your time you must shine, patients is all you need, the present president of Nigeria said it is his time, and then he got it, I don't want to know how, according to his desire he got it, even if is for one day, he became the president of Nigeria, patients is the substance you need to get there.
Thanks for your time