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RE: What and why

in Reflections2 months ago

It's crazy how much of our lives we spend at work, I would rather travel and see the world and spend more time with my family. But other than those wishes I wouldn't know anything specific I would want to do. It's hard to imagine the time I would have without having to work that I can't even imagine how to use that time.


It's hard to imagine the time I would have without having to work that I can't even imagine how to use that time

I think this is what governments and corporations want because it keeps people at work and working...I'm fortunate that I can imagine not being at work and all of the glorious things I'd be doing and so I drive towards that with passion. When I'm at work, I'm 100% present and when I'm not at work I'm 100% wherever I happen to be and in whatever I happen to be doing; I think I deserve that so use one (work) to fund the other (life) and I make the most of it. I hope others do that too, and understand clearly when the balance is weighted too far one way.