The difficulties of the creative process... A story about how to beat the monotony of everyday life

in Reflectionslast year

My mobile phone does not contain the best definition but the images have been taken by me.

When I was in college, I remember asking an advanced literature professor, "Professor, if we are hired for our ability to write, for our art, what would really be the purpose of our talents?" And I remember, he stared at me and said something that I remember to this day: "We write, Jesus, primarily for ourselves. Sometimes it may give us joy or satisfaction in terms of money, but authenticity will always come first; always." So many things in my life, and more so in my college days, I don't remember but to the last of my days, I will remember that wise advice....

When you are in HIVE, you are basically in a "digital jungle" where talent is just around the corner. I will never tire of saying it: on this platform, authors who are total geniuses abound in a very striking way. These are some of the challenges, as an author/writer we all possess; myself included. But there is also the very little explained issue specifically of support on this social network. While we all seek that award that inspires and motivates us, sometimes it is not based on merit or accomplishment.

I have no idea, and I have been here for almost two years now, exactly how the network of support, healing and healing works..... What I do know, is that every day I sit in my living room, behind my laptop to write, I do it to please me. To leave a record of authenticity in the format of blogging. To express who I am, my feelings and my most complex thoughts. My act of humanity, starts in the best way through the mere act of writing.

Before I choose the topic of this post, before I look for which community to upload it to or which photos to use to support it, the first thing I do is to think about whether what I want to say is empathetic enough to be read. Sometimes I hit the nail on the head, sometimes I don't. It's a game, there are no guarantees. It's a game, there are no guarantees; and that's okay too. I'm not someone who loves to lie placidly in complaint, quite the opposite. What I have noticed is that on many occasions beating the routine, that is to say, the fact of writing to live, to eat, is overwhelming?

Because passion is an immaterial part of this "work/love/hobby/passion". Sometimes, you have the obligation to meet a schedule, a target, a daily mark of "efficiency"; and it is that nature of work that I detest and totally resist. Weeks ago, I was going through a dark period of mixed feelings and emotions, and from my point of view and critique, they have been the best posts I have uploaded in this 2023. I even uploaded one in this @reflections community, called "Raindrops" (honestly, I recommend it to everyone).

Nowadays, I feel more stable, more in balance between my psyche, my desires and my emotions. I think sometimes I forget that I am also a human being. That I am allowed to stop, to reflect, to breathe, to take a walk to clear my head and so, maybe and only maybe, move on.... I don't think I have ever felt a creative block in the strictest sense of the word. What does happen to me is that there are times when I have more passion and devotion to put together a post or write an essay, and other times less.

My life is far from perfect. Literally, if I don't write, I don't eat; that's a pressure that some people can hardly fully understand... Being a freelancer has some lovely and commendable pros but its cons are very striking; like being one hundred percent dependent on the here and now. There is a lot of vulnerability and little empathy with our way of living and understanding the digital economy. I beat the monotony of the day-to-day, describing what I haven't done before and try to do the best I can with what I have.

I am who I am, I do what I always knew I was passionate about. And above all, what I knew very conscientiously that distinguished me from others. Finding that ability that only passion, natural talent and inspiration give you, is something we can't deny ourselves. Sometimes it can go very wrong, but it would be mean and fallacious not to say that the benefits for the soul, for our mind and above all for our own value as human beings, as individuals, are immeasurable. Veni, vidi, vici, folks!

Although I should perhaps not apologise for the quality of the pictures, I will do so anyway...