Is that a hunting raffle i see there? That is the best photo I've seen today. I've benefited plenty from just making myself better, and i recommend everyone focus on themselves instead of others
Is that a hunting raffle i see there? That is the best photo I've seen today. I've benefited plenty from just making myself better, and i recommend everyone focus on themselves instead of others
Not a raffle, it's a rifle, and yes I use it for hunting.
You say you focus on making yourself better; how do you do that?
Ohh yeah riffle my bad. Well Developing my writing skills on hive, putting more effort in the things i love doing and that is taking care of my kids, especially cooking fo them, when i make myself better i also extend that love and gratitude to my family. Also taking out time each day to develop myself spiritually, despite the busy schedule we still need to build our spiritual life to keep our minds straight
Well, not a riffle, it's spelled rifle. But you got closer on the second try so let's call that an improvement and development. ✅
Rifle ok got it. I play hunting games and am just learning about the real spelling now 😅 thanks for the heads up