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RE: Destiny has a beginning

in Reflections22 hours ago

Coincidentally i and hubby were debating about this topic last night. Finding your destiny is similar to knowing your true purpose in life. But people often tend to confuse talent to destiny. I do believe in fate because i believe in spirituality and reincarnation, whatever a person is going through isnt the first or whoever a person meet its not the first event it has been reoccurring same as relationships. For me creating a happier life is just one word i abide to and that is "Contentment" once a person is content with whatever life brings he just have to learn from the lesson and be content with whatever he has be grateful. This principal has been helpful in my daily life.


Destiny won't bring contentment, actions will though. And, "whatever life brings," as you put it, seems quite like you're happy to float along rather than apply effort to achieve your desired outcomes. It's a choice I suppose and many choose it; we live in a lazy world.

Well yeah applying effort is a compulsory phenomenon, my point is not to just get beaten up if your effort isnt working out as planned rather take up the next plan

Seeking to continually improve is a good thing, well done.