Life is Simple... We complicate the process

in Reflections2 months ago

Hello everyone! Hope you are well and enjoying the week that is slowly coming to an end!

Not only that it's the last week of summer which most likely brings lots of sadness in many people's hearts, but as I like saying, I am the one who brings autumn as I was born on the 1st of September. However, today's post is not about my b-day which I won't celebrate this weekend anyway, but about some reflections that kept my mind busy in the past week.


I am not a person who writes about my personal life too much, nor enjoy life updates as I am an introvert and strongly believe there is really nothing interesting with my life, nor that someone would really be interested in it as we all have struggles and challenges, but in different amounts.

Though today is exactly one week since my grandma died, tomorrow it will be exactly one week since one of our dogs died, and on Friday exactly one week since I last saw my grandma, attending her funeral on that day.

I know this is quite a timeline of events, but it's real. Last week I had to say goodbye to two very important parts of my life which filled my heart for a long while. I won't get into details such as the reasons behind their deaths as they were both very sick and this post will end up very long if writing about everything, but let's say that both my heart and brain were put on pause for a while.


I know this might sound funny but I'm really making efforts now to be as coherent as possible which even though it usually happens because English is not my native language, right now the reasons are different and already obvious.

However, my post is not meant to turn into a life update but more of advice to enjoy your loved ones as much as possible because you never know what the next day will bring. I know we all hear these words once in a while but you really don't feel them unless a tragedy happens which is sad.

A new day will still be there, with a sunrise and a sunset, but you have no guarantee that you or someone you love will still be there to enjoy these. In fact, life is really easy, but we tend to complicate the process between the sunrise and the sunset which always reminds us that some endings can be beautiful, if we know to take out the best from everything, no matter the challenge.




As I am not used to being in the middle of attention, nor creating posts that don't include pictures, I thought these images shot with Piatra Secuiului (Székelykő) would accompany everything nicely. In fact, I've been to this place a few times before and the calmness I got to feel both then and the last time we met described perfectly what I am after for a couple of days before enjoying life again. No doubt if I could teleport myself somewhere right now, it will be to this place.

On a funny note, still in this place I also celebrated my b-day a couple of years ago, but the plans are a lot different this year when I will enjoy it at a later date. If only "enjoy" is the right word for it based on how our family just got smaller.


However, Piatra Secuiului remains a scenery that I could never get enough of. The thing that disasters, deaths, births and other events happen every second but you can see how clouds still move, the chimneys of houses are blowing smoke, people are doing their tasks despite how their souls feel, and there is no weather condition that can make things take a break for real, it's the biggest encouragement to keep going as well.

No one of us can avoid death, nor decide how or when this will happen. But what we can do instead is to create as many beautiful memories as possible with those people so when the tragedy happens our hearts will be filled with the good parts of being together rather than tears and sadness. The latest two are perfectly fine, don't get me wrong, but we do need to get back on track and continue our lives.


Gabriela Travels is the FOUNDER of "Festival Mania" who started this community from the passion of attending various festivals and with the purpose of encouraging more people to explore festivals all around the world and share their experiences. At the same time, Gabriela is an independent Graphic Design Freelancer since 2019 completing over 600+ orders in this time and collaborating with various businesses and people from all over the globe. Additionally, Gabriela has her own corner on the internet since 2017 where she writes various articles for her blog, the most popular being the travel ones (300+ articles written on this field), but also abording other topics as well, like game reviews, movie and series reviews, photography posts, cooking recipes and more, boosting the total number of articles written to 700+ blog posts. Gabriela is also a gamer since she was 11 years old and gaming remains one of her biggest passions along with traveling, editing, cooking, and doing various sports activities.

~ @GabrielaTravels ~

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I’m so sorry for your loss. I know words aren’t enough to comfort you but I hope in some way, you will be.

I agree with what you said about spending time with loved ones while they’re around. And yes, we often hear this but I don’t really put them into action most of the time. Probably because I always think there will be a day to spend it with them, and that nothing bad will happen. But I know that’s not the case all the time.

Anyways, thanks for reminding me these words. Maybe it’s time to do something even small to make good memories with loved ones.

Thank you for your comment. Any words are helping right now.

As I said, it's sad that we don't value those words until a tragedy happens and the thing that there won't be another day together is confirmed.

I am also the same and tend to forget about the importance of those words, but I try to work on myself daily to appreciate everything and everyone more.

you know what? that title sums up life completely in just a few words. Do you ever get the feeling we are just sims in someones game?

Not really but my boyfriend does feel this sometimes and I can't judge him based on how crazy the world has gone lately...

crazy is a good word too

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It's always a tough experience when someone we love goes ahead... May the happy memories with your grandma and one of your dogs comfort you during these difficult times...🙏

Thank you for reminding us to be with those we care about, and spend time with them. Most of the time, we tend to postpone things until it's too late.

Thank you so much for the encouraging and beautiful words. They mean so much! 🙏

What an interesting feature, the provider of autumn, sounds even romantic! You are right, these photographs are very much in line with your reflections, there are spaces that are so special that they can at the same time be places of celebration and also escape zones to heal and recharge our strength in hard times. No wonder you wanted to be there right now, in such a beautiful place.

Grief, this stage is always complex, hard and mostly painful. Impossible not to be reflective after it and especially dispersed, how difficult to focus when we are put to the test of how ephemeral life can be.

These situations lead us to show us more vulnerable than usual and I think that's good, this way of expressing what we are going through, helps a lot to cope with the shock and recover the usual rhythm. I send you lots of encouragement and a sincere hug.

What an interesting feature, the provider of autumn, sounds even romantic! You are right, these photographs are very much in line with your reflections, there are spaces that are so special that they can at the same time be places of celebration and also escape zones to heal and recharge our strength in hard times. No wonder you wanted to be there right now, in such a beautiful place.

Thank you! And yes, that was exactly what I thought about!

Thank you so much for understanding the message the way I tried to share it and for the encouraging words. I had no clue writing about this would help so much with my overall mood lately seeing people stop by and offer their support. Bless you! ❤️

Heyy girl! I know it's one day late, but I didnt forget about yesterday! So here's a Happy Birthday from me, I wish you all the best and all your wishes to come true!
Hugs 🎂🎉💓

Thanks so much, darling! May you get 10x all you wished for me. You deserve it 💓
