In pursuit of time

in Reflections10 months ago


It's been a minute or two since I've been away on a vacation of any kind, two whole years! That's far too long.

There's good reasons for not being able to take a vacation...hmm, well nah not really any 'good' reasons at all, just 'reasons'. Work commitments and other personal aspects and responsibilities of life in general have meant I've been unable to sneak away for any time at all and it's not good, it's bad. Prioritising work means I'm not prioritising my personal life and when that combines with complexities in my personal life which ultimately effect my enjoyment of life itself...nope, not good.

Over the last several days I've been looking for time, five or six days, in which I want to schedule in a little getaway, camping in the wilderness. I came up with the plan in a moment of brilliance...ok, not really, I came up with the plan because I recognised that I'm bordering on burnout, I can feel it, and a camping trip away from work, people and technology is what I need. I travel a lot for work but that's not the same as a vacation, in fact it's all that travel that adds to the problem. Furthermore, due to other things I don't openly say on Hive I find I'm dissatisfied with how much 'life' I'm allowing myself, enjoyment, relaxation and 'me time', which needs to be rectified. I think it's important to read the signs and react to them; one only has one ride on the merry-go-round right?

The difficulty I've had is finding five to six days in a row for the trip, there's always something that stands in the way: A personal appointment or commitment, work things (my work is super-demanding and complex), timing around other people's's been impossible to find the time but I'm not one to give up and so I keep working the problem and know that I'll come up with a solution.

To say, 'I need several days in a row to myself (my life) with my partner' would be an understatement but it's often so difficult to make it happen; I mean for me and others as well. When did life get so complicated and when did one of my major goals become the pursuit of time?

Have you ever realised you require a break from work, everyday life and commitments, and decided to leave it all behind for a period of time? Those breaks we take to recharge are so important for our wellbeing I think. Have you felt the need and had difficulties finding the time to make it a reality, and if you actually found the time what was the effect of the break upon you moving forward? Feel free to comment if you'd like.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


Everyone wants to be separated from their work. Everyday work makes you feel sick. In today's era, man is committed to his future and works hard. And most of the people work on Sundays because the boss keeps some extra charges. If I get a break from my work and daily routine, I find a peaceful place like nature, mountains, gardens etc. I want to travel to these peaceful places. In fact, probably everyone is looking for a peaceful place in their life.

A peaceful break is exactly what people not only feels good but can help make the future more productive. Nature is a good place to find it.

Absolutely, there can be no better break from nature.💯🥰

There are many days that I have been very tired, but that's the way things are. Life doesn't care if we are well or bad, more than we care about ourselves. And our families, for that reason, we must take a break, get some fresh air in the place we like the most, recharge ourselves with new energy to keep fighting.

How do you like recharging your personal batteries?

When I leave the work area and I am in contact with nature, it is as if I am going back to my childhood. I love the trees, the flowers. Lying in the grass, walking barefoot is something that drains me a lot, the stress may seem crazy, but it works for me, I'm very simple, I don't ask much from life.

Trees and flowers, nature in general, is such a lovely way to refresh ourselves and I do the barefoot thing too, that connection with the earth is healing.

Becca 🌷

You are of my tribe, we are more than just another prairie-born flower, for us, being in nature is the greatest blessing.

Have you ever realised you require a break from work, everyday life and commitments, and decided to leave it all behind for a period of time?

Absolutely. You may have noticed my posts trickled almost to a halt in April. I was busy doing offline stuff away from work and away from home to recharge, including a road trip.

I love road trips!

I'm looking for a camping trip, probably Flinders Ranges some 550km from where I live in the middle of nowhere. Perfect...or would be if I could find the days off to make it happen.

I haven't been camping in a couple years. My friends and I kept having schedule conflicts, or people were escaping urban COVID lockdowns and crowding all the camping options. Maybe this summer?

I hope you get to go soon.

I'm really sorry that I didn't pay attention to my body's signs of burnout a while back. By the time I noticed, it was too late, and the damage was done. It took me a long time to get better. These days, I make sure I take care of my mental health. I try to disconnect from work on weekends and outside of work hours. Even if the world falls apart, I won't respond. It might seem a bit extreme to those who haven't experienced it, but those who have know exactly what I'm talking about.

That's the thing right? If it goes to far it's even harder to return oneself to 'normal' so it's best to address it before that happens, which is what I'm trying to do.

I made a comment to my neighbor who we are in a joint kitten rescue operation with. (Photo)

I told him "NO MORE PROJECTS!!"

Once I finish this addition carport overhang off the side of one of the outbuildings I AM DONE.!!

At least till October and cooler weather. The time is an issue as you write of here. And also the health aspects of the stress from the heat and mental aggravation (hypertension/stress) it is a killer.

We need to get our shit straight bro. Stop pushing so hard and find that downslope to coast for awhile...

One must know when to release the pressure on the gas pedal and roll up to a stop man, you, me and anyone else pushing it. Life is too short and humans far too frail to maintain 100% at all times, indefinitely.

I think it's important to read the signs and react to them.

How true this is, very true!

Yes, it has happened to me many times not having time, either for work or family issues, something always comes up. I only take a few hours, they help me but it's not enough.
I don't usually take vacations, in fact when I was in Argentina I never had them. I mean traveling and getting away from everything. There were days off but they were forced, because the intense summer meant that I had to suspend work. There was no enjoyment.

I think two or three times in my life I took a few days off in a row, 3 at the most. It was very good for the mind above all and that influences the body.

We have to keep looking for that time!

I hope one day you put Argentina and the complexities of it behind you, it might help you get the most out of the time you have where you are now.

I have left most of them but there are still things out there to attend to, unfortunately. Right now I am dealing with a lot of paperwork issues that derive from there.
I also expect the same

I always try to be very honest around here.

I worked all my life for nothing, and I always arrived on Friday tired and unsatisfied, wanting to disconnect in a thousand ways, and there were few times when I could afford a trip to the beach with friends, a night out, a few days away from my environment.

But some time ago I discovered what it is to work for oneself and that's when I understood the meaning that I can truly give to my life.
These last 6 years have been very intense but they have allowed me activities that I could not do before...especially because now I can disconnect from the secondary, delegate it to the background and understand that I can not spend the energies that remain to my fifty years on things now subjective (before very objective).

Maybe you don't understand, but now I have a little more freedom to not let myself be exploited by others and decide what to do with my time and for myself.

I have had a business of my own for the last 33 years but I do not work in it - Still own it and it's going strong.

I also owned and operated a property development company of my own (that I did work in for years) so I get what you're saying, it's a lot of work but offers a degree of freedom also.

I work for a very large organisation now and it's bonkers how busy I ai happy doing it? Not really, but I'm good at it and it pays very well. I'm not sure if a change is on the horizon, maybe it is, but for now I'll try and manage the scenario and make it work as best I can.

So anyway, I'd not go as far as saying, I don't understand you', because I understand very well indeed however we each have different levels of tolerance and abilities to deal with things right?

Yes, sorry...I didn't mean to underestimate you at all.
I always have a hard time explaining something without giving details and that's what you are very good at...we women almost always over talk and I try to learn not to do that ..😂

Maybe, maybe I wouldn't have been able to deal with more, but maybe I could, I know. Ah!!!!@galenkp, you have been able to get to places unimaginable to me, and I have read that you come from a humble family, so your success is due to your own values as a person.In this place where I live , in my time, if you are not a hypocrite you were nobody, just the same it is not important anymore.

So, you feel free to pay yourself a trip to the cosmos , if you want of course, a trip to the islands of Indonesia and annihilate all the big ugly lizards over there ( I hate dragons 😂)...whatever makes you happy and again a recharged and new man....don't think about it so much.
But don't stop writing over here, that's for you and us to enjoy.

No apology needed.

Yes, I came from a humble begging and yes I've worked incredibly hard my whole life to be where I am now, some would say too hard. I think that's the thing, I've formed a habit and it's stuck with me and sometimes I push myself a little too far. I try to balance it out and mostly succeed, but not always.

I will find the break I need, I always do, I just have to work harder at finding the time.

Thanks for your comment, hopefully you're having a good week.

I will find the rest I need, I always do, I just have to work harder to find the time.

I understand!

Best wishes to you.

Sometimes you just have to make yourself the priority. Move the OTHER things around to accommodate this important need. If you break down, the rest of it can't be done anyway, so it needs to move to the number 1 slot. Why should your personal time always be the last to have to fit in?

I know that is easier to say than do, but for real, that's taking care of YOU, so you can do all the other things that other's need or want from you.

Yep, I agree with you on this, the difficulty sometimes can be putting it into action. I did over the weekend though and now...Monday morning again. 😭

Dang old Monday !

I guess I can't say I never want to see another one 😄 but it would be nice if there was a way to make it more pleasant somehow. I've still got this evening before I face it again. Ugh..... I'm trying not to think about it so it doesn't mess up my evening.

Enjoy your evening and and Monday will come around in due course and you'll deal with it as you always do, same for me.

I'm sitting at my dining table finishing breakfast but will be in the car soon and on the way to work. I'm not sure how I feel about that...yes I do. Shit! 🤣

Shit indeed !

Hope you have a safe ride in.

We usually try to just fit some smaller trips in at regular intervals in the summer. That seems to help us quite a bit. Typically it ends up being about 6 to 7 weekend camping trips per year.

Several small trips a year is a great way to go...if the time can be found. I've done a lot of that in the past, these days it's more difficult.

Considering that at this moment I still have 14 days of annual leave from 2023, it is clear that I was away from work for only 10 days (August 2023), which is really little.
That's why I'm taking a vacation next week to recharge my batteries.

Although those charged batteries, in fact, don't last long at all, they run out already on the second or third day after returning to work...
But it's nice that at least on those days of rest, I'm in some other, interesting, beautiful place, far from work...

I remember a big and important project from 2018, when the start of it (after a few delays) coincided with two weeks of my annual vacation.
When I was asked if I would really go on vacation, given the situation, I said: "Of course I will go. As you planned the original deadlines, so I planned my time."
I was also asked to postpone my vacation...
"it's not a problem", I told the director, "but it will cost you. A completely new summer arrangement in a more exotic destination than the one I planned, new plane tickets and a few thousand more € to cheer up my wife".
They wished me a happy trip and postponed the start for the next two weeks, when I return from vacation.
I enjoyed my vacation then, and even after that I started the project more easily with charged batteries 🙂

Vacation does many things including helping one to be more productive on ones return. Not just vacation either, even just a few days off for a recharge like I'm looking for.

I hope you find a few days to rest and enjoy camping.

one only has one ride on the merry-go-round right?

Right! You know, that's just the whole point, only one ride and we don't give it enough attention until one has gone six feet, well I hope not! I imagine how I would feel then, that is if I could feel. Honestly people would want to come back and do it right, so now is the time to make some basic corrections to it before it's damn too late.
A friend of mine retired from his job, packed his baggage and left for Lanzarote Island, with his wife. His words exactly;

I realized that I have not really enjoyed this life, I want to make amends.

For the past six years, he's been having a wonderful time out there, enjoying this one ride.
So do make time out for it dear friend, and make this one hell of a beautiful ride.
I wish you luck... 😊

I applaud your friends decision and am happy to hear here's having a good life there. It is a big step and onenit everyone can make but for him at least it has paid off.

I've experienced that when I burned out. But unfortunately, it isn't so easy to get a long break. I do have long vacations, but I spend it with family, and it depends on their availability as well. What I usually do when I get burned out, is just take a weekend break, and that is usually enough.

I need/want longer than a weekend.

Sometimes life can be overwhelming and it is difficult to find time for ourselves.
It's important to prioritize our well-being and take breaks when needed.
I hope you can find the time for that getaway you so desperately need.
Cheer up!


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