Privacy and OPSEC

in Reflections2 months ago


Last week I was paid a nice compliment by a legit Hiver who goes by the name of @coloneljethro - Yep, I tagged you mate, sorry I don't like tagging people unnecessarily but it seemed appropriate in this case. The comment is below and the part that I took as a compliment is what he says about OPSEC (operational security); this is something I'm very focused on when it comes to Hive and in my general life.


Now don't get the wrong idea here, I'm all about showing personality as I feel it inspires others to engage in more relevant and personal ways - I'm in my eighth year on Hive and there's many posts on my feed that show personality and passion - but I'm also focused on security of information and while I say a lot I maintain operational security at all times. Coloneljethro says, "don't think I've seen you post anything that shared more than exactly what you intended." Yep, that's right my brother, well spotted, I share what I intend and nothing more.

When I started on Hive I wanted to be myself and I've been true to that all the way through; being myself, flawed and fallible, personable, passionate, opinionated, true to my ideas of integrity and honour and many other things is what has attracted others to my account and to engagement on a deeper level; it's that which has made my time here enjoyable - the reason I stay. One could say I've been unapologetically me and people respond well and favourably mostly, and some do not...some hate me I guess and that's ok, it's their prerogative.

I know people fabricate stuff in their minds, opinions and perceptions on who I am, what I do and have done, where I am and so on...I've confirmed some of that over the years but some of what people assume or presume may be (probably is) so totally remote from the reality of it that it's laughable.

Anyway, thinking back on coloneljethro's comment and the reason he made it...I'm glad he saw what he saw.

A lot of the time there's far more between the lines and words I write than the words actually say and I know people will make up what isn't really there either way, right or wrong...I'm careful about what I write though and while OPSEC is my focus I also want to show personality, something I suggest we all do. Privacy is somewhat of a joke when the internet is concerned...if you think you have it you're fucken bonkers, but controlling the narrative, showing personality and passion without compromising your own privacy is what I'd suggest everyone does.

If you don't understand what OPSEC is then learn and get good at controlling the flow of information...remember, people are predictable and will allow perception to become reality whether their perception is accurate or not and ambiguous information will still be perceived however the reader wishes. It doesn't bother me that people make up stuff in their own minds, it doesn't effect me either way, only them, but I don't feel at all inclined to splash personal (accurate) information all over the internet and so I share only what I intend, as coloneljethro states.

There's a very thin facade of security and privacy on the internet and people on Hive seem to cling to that with grim death even though they may plaster Faceboook or TikTok or those other dumbass social medias with their whole lives; each to their own. Some are so secretive though and I'll admit to not feeling as engaged with those on Hive who do so but I get why they do it. I suppose a balance is required, for me at least; passion and personality with a mind to OPSEC as well. How about you?

Do you cower behind your little avatar thinking you're safe and sound and that your privacy and anonymity is secure or do you find balance between security and privacy and demonstrating your unique personality at the same time? If you want to tell me about it feel free to do so below and if you want to tell me about it privately just publish your mobile number and address in the comments below and I'll call you or knock on your front door.


(But am I?)

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


I will finally reveal video evidence of who I really am...

untitled.gif're a good typist, no doubt.

Tag away, it ain't my real name.

Man, people severely undervalue information. I'm not complaining but I sure don't understand it. OSINT would be a bit more difficult if folks ever figured it out.

Got a question for you, is galenkp you or a persona/character? I've asked the Colonel that same question many times and never got a solid answer. Lol, I used to think I was being fairly personal on here, and then got called out for not giving out much personal stuff.

Lol...yep I figured it wasn't your name but wondered for a bit if you were a descendant of Colonel Sanders. 😬

Good question on the name thing...I represent completely as myself as far as thoughts, opinions, actions etc. What I say happens has happened, the activities, what I do, where I go and where I've been and how I think it feel as well. Sometimes I don't time-stamp events I do might have happened a day or so earlier and I say "today" and I talk loosely about my work (what it is and why), where I live, my partner and other things rather than specifically. Generally though, I'm not a persona here, a fabrication, I'm the real deal and am happy to be. Make sense?

Only by marriage.

Minor liberties were taken, yeah our approach is not much different. Do want to clarify that I meant persona more as a curated version of self rather than an outright fabrication, but yeah you make perfect sense. One of my favorite authors, Hunter S Thompson, gave himself the names were changed to protect the guilty treatment in Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas and then ever after was never sure which version of him people wanted/expected. Have occasionally wondered if the same thing didn't play out on hive as well.

So...I have you to thank for the Zinger burger? You're my hero!

I often think about those who engage with me here and what they'd make of me in person should they know more about who I am, what I've done and all. I can't elaborate here but I think you get it; would they want to engage at all, would they want to be more engaged? I don't open up to many in real life and here even less but between those lines I write is a lot for those open or savvy enough to see and there you'll find more of the real me.

I figured you meant persona and to be honest I don't think I present all that much differently here than in real life, I'm quite a passionate dude and that comes through no matter what, it's just filtered a little more on Hive.

It's an interesting point you make about the created persona and the creator not being sure which is wanted...i think that's a trap many fall into when misrepresenting themselves on the interwebs...they make up a big fabrication online and revel in it, the validation and so on, but in real life they're a hollow husk of that persona. Sad really.

#zingerburger...In truth I've not had one for a couple years (no KFC at all) but damn I love them!

Balance - it's the essence of just about everything. I have gone back and forth here on Hive with being secretive and - not so much, even posted a photo of me 😱 figuring, well, I have had a website for - uff - almost twenty years. People don't need to dig hard if they wanted to find me. Who would want to though? I agree people are bonkers and there may be nutcases who might but - I don't see it. Right now.

Anyways, I respect everyone's right of privacy and each to their own. Like you, if people are too secretive and show no personality, I turn away. It's just not enjoyable.

(But am I?)

LOL - of course you are! At least to us here on Hive, just like I am OceanBee on here.

I hear you and have put loads of photos of me on here, my partner too, but they got used for nefarious purposes by someone I'll downvote until the end of time (their posts and comments) so now I don't use my image. I'm a nobody in truth, I mean in real life, unremarkable in every way, but am careful with information here and in real life...I also know how to take care of business so should someone get freaky they'll lose and lose big. You know?

I've seen people show their drivers licence, credit cards, post their child's photographs and stuff on Hive...I'm not sure that that's the best thing to be doing, but it happens.

I would hate feeling like I have to hide everything so (like you) I should who I am from a personality perspective and I'm happy to do so.

Anyway, you're you and I'm know me and I know you and that's about all that matters.

It really depends on the individual, but I think it's important to maintain a bit of privacy, in my opinion. Do I feel safe? Well, not really. If someone is curious enough, they will find out about me.

I agree with you (obviously) and yeah if people want to find out they probably can; I've got nothing to hide really, I just want to separate my online presence with my real life and if someone (from Hive for instance) was to knock on my door with nefarious intent, well then, it'd go worse for them than it would for me I think. 😉

Nobody's messing with a guy who has a gun as his profile picture. 😉

Lol...and many more in my gun safes...however I'm legit lawful so nothing to worry about.

I try to keep myself anonymous most of the time in the crypto space. I have other social media, but I keep them separate. I don't delude myself to thinking that I am completely safe and anonymous though. I just want to make sure that if someone wants to know who I am, they have to make a little bit more effort to do so.

Yeah, crypto people are funny like that it seems, want to hang onto the thin veil of "anonymity." I think it's hilarious.

Perhaps I'm naive but I've not given much thought to security. My avatar is actually a photo of me and I attended a few meet ups in the early days of Steemit, so there are people here who know who I am. I've also bought a few books from Hivers, so my address is out there in the nebulous nowhere, though nobody has paid me a far:)

I used to use an image of me until it was used by some asshole on an account created to represent as me so now I use one of my guns.

I went to many meetups here, we'd get 20 or so there so people here know me, several in other countries have my mobile (people I trust like meesterboom) and a few have my address (and I have theirs) as I've sent care packages from Australia, Boomy has been a recipient for instance. (Aussie wine, biscuits, chocolate and stuff). That's only for people I trust though, trust built up over years.

So, I get what you're saying.

I recall Honeydue being the happy recipient of some Vegemite many moons ago.

Oh yeah, I forgot she even existed until you just mentioned her. I sent five care packages out around the world on that occasion, but Boomy's were different, more tailored and costly; I posted about it. He's a good chap though, a worthy recipient.

In your 8 years at Hive, have you heard of cases of identity theft, account theft or threats to the security of any member here at Hive?

I often think about the information I share in my posts and how much they can harm me, but as time goes by, the dam probably loosens and I show a little more than I should in a picture or text... but again, the question of whether anyone would benefit from stealing my identity...
The only thing that matters to me is that I carefully store all personal and financial data, dates, passwords, account numbers, keys...

People generally publish less private and personal information here than, say, on FB or Instagram, but then again, on FB and traditional social networks, information is mostly shared with acquaintances from life, so perhaps there is less chance that someone who would threaten privacy would get interesting information.

just publish your mobile number and address in the comments below and I'll call you or knock on your front door

Do you want me to leave you a social security number in addition to my phone number and address, so that we can identify each other more easily when you find me? 🤔

In your 8 years at Hive, have you heard of cases of identity theft, account theft or threats to the security of any member here at Hive?

Yes, someone did it to me, represented themselves as me, and it's happened so many times to others. This partly why I have the line below in my profile.


Clearly I think it's best to keep things a little generic but at the same time showing personality (as you do) is important; one needs to find a balance.

As for the social security number, yeah publish it in a comments along with your bank account numbers, credit card number, pin and security number and any other information you think I might benefit from. Lol.

As for the social security number, yeah publish it in a comments along with your bank account numbers, credit card number, pin and security number and any other information you think I might benefit from. Lol.

This may be the easy way.
But for me the strongest one is: "Send me BTC, I'll give you back two"
🤣 it!

Here's my full name, a two hour video of me discussing Splinterlands, and my exact location on the last Thursday of each month :)

Lol, yeah I already have you in my rolodex.

I agree to this, it makes a lot of sense to be real, on my posts, I tried on every part to speak my mind and not minding anything else, I find out that, it is even easy to create contents on hive, when we speak our mind and do not think of too much privacy of ourself.

Yeah, I agree with you on this for sure, clearly as my post states.

Thanks, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏

I try to not be really obvious about certain things. If you really wanted to dig in, you could probably figure out a lot about me though. I just figure nobody has that kind of time in their hands. I expect they in time they could find all that out whether I lost on Hive or not. Working in the public sector doesn't afford me a lot of privacy anyway. My name is clearly on several websites and due to the freedom of information act, if you knew my name you could look up my annual salary as well.

I agree, no one really has the time and many don't have the volition...and let's face it, no one on Hive is all that remarkable that others need to have them down right?

It's quite pathetic, those who do it too, but it's happened to a couple chaps here I call friends, and didn't go well for those doxing them because their accounts were smashed so hard into oblivion that they'd never dig themselves back out. Doxing makes no sense and therefore. Having up details about others doesn't. Who really cares huh?

Yeah, I'd rather just let people live their lives. I have enough crap to worry about!

I always try to find a balance between my private life and security. I know it's very difficult to be totally secure or to keep everything absolutely private, but I try to keep what is known about me general, without further details, people don't have to know them. Everyone in their own life and respecting the lives of others. Although there is always the gossipy person who subtly tries to find out things.... I detect them hahaha and respond in general.

I don't know how to show myself in any other way than my natural one, I think personality is what makes us authentic and genuine... that's how I am.

I will send you by carrier pigeon those data, I think it's safer, but also when I enter the portal that takes me home it closes behind me and you won't be able to follow me. My phone is from the alien planet where I come from... it will be complicated to communicate but I'll try.

Yeah, you hide behind your avatar a lot and show nothing.

I'll look out for the carrier pigeon although you needn't bother, I already know your address. 🤐

I've learned from my mistakes, which I've made a lot of things happen to me. Letting people know who I am, how I think, my experiences and so on, but without revealing my intimate life, is something I have had to learn to do, especially in this internet world.

So I'll be waiting for you with a delicious coffee and something tasty but without sugar.

Coffee will be great and snacks with no sugar too!


I'll bring the engaging conversation, you bring the coffee and snacks.

I think that's great!!!! It will be a very good talk!

I have found a "safe haven" on Hive , a place to genuinely express myself and I'm not afraid to share more of me here than on any other social media and I actually do. On Facebook, Instagram and others, I become very careful with the amount of information I release for fear of acquaintances taking advantage.
But even here, I release just as much as I would want to, no pressure, no hassles, just being comfortable doing my 'thing'.

Yeah, those other social medias are pretty woeful. I'm not on them and neither is my partner...I've better things to do with my time.

Certainly we should be as original as possible and not invest ourselves in things that are not; also, in this type of media, as you say, it is also good to show what we intend to be without going further if we are people who like privacy, that is, not to give much data about us even knowing that in the world of the internet nothing is private. Greetings

Yep, pretty much what I said. ✅

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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Good afternoon, brothers and sisters, and peace be upon you and all of us.

Right on.