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RE: Coffee drinking and acorn thinking

in Reflections2 years ago

Maybe you can or could avoid F** words

Nah, I swear in real life and on Hive I'm the real me so swearing happens. You say you weren't offended and that's ok, but if you were I'd give you the same advice, you can choose to not read my posts.

I will be the real version of me here, and in real life, I'm no one's puppet.

All the best.


Well that was rude! You can swear but that also creates a negative vibe. & Tone of your original post was way nicer then this comment!

Cool man! You lost one reader.... I was hopeful & found your writing interesting but this one "who cares" and attacking comment changed my mind.

Not so cool!


I told you my opinion on who I present myself here as, my true self, and you call that rude? I didn't swear, wasn't argumentative, just stated the facts and that I'll not dance to anyone else's tune.

Cool man! You lost one reader.... I was hopeful & found your writing interesting but this one "who cares" and attacking comment changed my mind.

You are a rude cunt, a rude and entitled cunt. You can fuck off, well and truly, just fuck off, as your opinion doesn't matter to me; crawl back into your little fucken hole, share your opinion with people who give a fuck and don't come over here telling me how I can fucken post here on my own posts? Got it?

I didn't told you just shared what I think! because I enjoyed your writing and I personally find that without that F word it would be nice to look at. You can do whatever you want.

You don't know when to stop do you?