It was pretty cool, just two strangers getting into sync and engaging like humans.
I understand what you're getting at, I'm similar. I mean, I've had roles where I've had to be more forward and I do it but I guess I play a part, the suit I wear is my costume and permits me to do what's required. The real me retreats until later on when I'm not getting paid to be the business (or anything other) me.
I'm good at interacting with others, good at conversation, listening, reading body language and so on, I do so in my professional life and in my personal but with the latter I'm more picky about who I share my time with as it makes me feel more comfortable and I can be more myself rather than the person my role requires.
I reckon I'd get you talking at that dinner table though...we could both tell lies and embellish stories and everyone else would be envious of the fact they're not on the cool table!
Haha, yeah, I guess so. Just bring me a whiskey and I probably wouldn't stop talking!
Whiskey (bottle) it is!