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RE: War and [no] peace

in Reflectionslast year

I understand what you're saying...but I'm going to put it back on you...What's the alternative? Go and discover what led to World War Two and what the Nazi's did leading up to it. Then come back and tell me another way of dealing with it other then the allies going to war to counter them.

Unfortunately, humans are a disgusting selfish, greedy, hubristic how are the bad actors dealt with? A chess tournament? I wonder, when Adolf Hitler and his Nazi's were exterminating millions of "undesirables" in World War Two if he would have just decided to play a game of chess to sort it out instead? I think not. So, people go to war to stand up for those who cannot, or will not, stand up for themselves. Sad but true.


Great lessons sir @galenkp
In other words, desperate times call for desperate measures.
I need me some researches and enquiries about wars, the world wars.
Thank you so much sir

In other words, desperate times call for desperate measures.

I guess so to some extent although it's more complicated than that.

I have to do more researches!