I don't mind either, I get a lot done, although sometimes I wonder if I think about more thangs than I really need to. (The answer is yes of course.) A hazard of being an over-thinker. I would like some better sleep at night too, it's not often something I manage.
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I do try to meditate a bit. I can see my thoughts turning and whirling and resist the urge to follow, telling myself 'thinking'. It's kinda nice. It's like I can hold my thoughts at more of a distance, understand WHY I'm thinking them or why my head is fuzzy, and then find a little peace. Not sleeping sucks. I am a big fan of melatonin, mega magnesium night, and winding down before bed for this reason.
I've never been good at it, I think too much! 😀
Meditation is a good thing though, or so I'm told, and I guess I do it in my own way to some degree.
Before bed I dim the lights for a couple hours in the house, make things quiet and more conducive to sleep. It helps. Of course, sometimes I watch war movies and...well, sleep isn't easy to find then. I blame myself.
No one sleeps after a war movie 🤣 Did you watch Rogue Heroes?
I have not as yet, it's on the list though.
It's really good fun and I loved learning about the founding of the SAS as we kept googling stuff as we went.
Yep, I've heard it's pretty good.