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RE: Evolve you animal

in Reflections10 months ago

I think a lot of animals are better behaved than humans; with cognitive thought came the ability for hatred, deception, ego, pride, greed and so on, all things that derail human to human interaction.

Have you ever had to change, wanted to change something about yourself that you realised after an experience or an event and if so how did it go for you?


This is my habit that after spending time with humans I invest my emotions along with time investment. In the plans of next year, I think I should add one more resolution that I want to be emotionally stabled person. It always hurts to build a castle of expectations with humans. I should understand that people around me will not or can not act in the way i am acting towards them.
I should learn the rule of advantage.

That's a good lesson to learn, the one about others not acting the same as you no matter how much you may want them to. It's best on focusing energy on controlling that which is within your ability to control (yourself I mean), rather than trying to change or control others.