A tough start in life does a lot of damage.
A tough start to life should teach a person valuable lessons.
coming from a poor background or bad parenting that kills a persons ability to dream.
Or motivate someone to do better, achieve more and a better future.
Makes sense and should be the case.
Tough when scarcity has done a number on the person and lack of exposure makes them assume they have made it in life, by being able to utilize the skill they assume they where lucky to get and scarcity leaving them scared and unable to think about leaving and risk the opportunity of archiving more( I was trying to think on behalf of those as I know many people find them self in this trap)
Now time to take a leaf from the other side and envision growth and abundance. I enjoyed the read.
I get what you mean and agree somewhat, but everyone has a choice on how they think (mindset, attitude and so on) as that costs nothing and with the right thoughts can come the right actions and results can follow.
Thanks for commenting.