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RE: Reflections on Life and Loss

in Reflectionslast year

Most likely nowhere close to the $1100 USD we dropped on the consultation, ultrasound, urinalysis, bloodwork, and antibiotics

Not trying to brag but if you paid even $60 for all of that here I would tell you that you were being ripped off. That's robbery buddy!

I had a 3 day procedure including boarding on Nadi that included all the above as well as surgery and it was just over $100


Wow, that is crazy! We pay about $100 just for one night of boarding here. They've kind of got us over a barrel here, but like I said, even if it was three times as much, we would probably still pay. Pet insurance is looking more attractive though!

When I take Nadi to the vet I go to the international one which is 3x as expensive as the Vietnamese local ones. If the situation is serious I am very stern about telling them I am not at all concerned about how much it costs... do the expensive version of whatever needs to be done. So yeah, I totally get where you are coming from. I would still pay if it was $1000 as well.