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RE: The Currency of the Future

they demand to know how student B was punished

I actually was in such a situation as parent A and issued the same demand. The point is: My seven year old son was not concerned about his punishment, he felt and said so, that he did something wrong and there were consequences. But he did not see/hear if stundent B got any punishment. In his mind B therefore did not get any punishment at all and that seemed unfair. The most easy way to get forward in this conversation is to tell him what happened to B. But I do not know. And talking to other parents while on playdates I get told similar problems, the kids don't recognize the "fairnes" of the system if they don't recognize what happens to other offenders. In their mind all the other kids may do forbidden things while not getting punished. The kids of course also lie to each other "I did not get any punishment at all"
We as parents can only say "that kid is lying, of course they got punished" but that's where the conversation ends and the question "What punishment did they get then, eh?" can not be answered.


I'd think you just have to trust that the school handled it in the best way possible. It's not like we come to work every day trying to think of how we can screw people over. That's the politicians job. Now, that doesn't mean the parents of the other kid gave them appropriate punishment on their end. People are weird these days. Some of them just don't care about stuff like that I guess. You gotta have faith in the system though.

Thank you for the reminder.
It's just so much more work to teach the young ones to have faith when there are signs to the contrary. And so much easier to go along with the crowd, demanding information.

I totally understand. I still think it's important to instill that trust in them even if most of the time it ends up being shattered. I'd still rather they be optimistic than pessimistic. It's definitely not an easy job, especially when everyone has a different opinion of what the goal should look like.