Behind some rulers rules.

in Reflections6 months ago


Power very often gets us away from the thin straight line of the righteousness.


I've seen many people who used to claim in fancy words long speeches of morality, solidarity, rights, defense of the ones in need. I've seen them drawing with promises beautiful pictures of a dreamed future. Some other have been seen posing for cameras that were going to show the world how good they were in their expensive suits by extending photo resources to the poor.
There have been those who enchanted crowds with stories of their fights, their good deeds, and their greatestness.
There have been men who asked to be followed to defend a fair cause encouragingly.
Many of them did it well, some others not, but there were always rules. Rules to accomplish, to organize, to discipline, to keep order. Good rulers have had flexible rules, preceeded of warnings before punishment, to teach, to give opportunities, a margin to humans error, second chances to those who were learning how to live with rules.
Bad rulers did the opposite. Rules are dictated with immediate effect, no warnings or second chances, no margins of error, mistakes equals severe punishment.
Is that even fair? Guess not!
Rulers behind the rules are also human beings, don't they?. Rulers behind the rules make and made mistakes too after and before ruling.
Everyone has to walk throughout a learning path that implies making some mistakes, I heard or read once someone say or write, we learn deeper from mistakes than we make it from studing, and that's only cause when you stumble cause a mistake you made, the right way gets into you so deeper, that you hardly are gonna make that mistake again. But surely when that happened, harm or not, you probably needed a second chance to prove yourself, to show you learned from the wrong turn to get the right path.
You can't think of building a village and encourage people to follow you there if you are not willing to teach the village rules to the newies without punishment for the first mistake without any previous warning. That's not order at all, that is selfish and supreme control, it's just arbitrary to set rules because you say so and power it's yours.


A sword in your hand to cut heads of all the ruler breakers without any difference isn't ruling, it's intimidation by power.

Behind some rulers rules there isn't always good.

Images on the post are mine, taken with my Samsung A31.
Text created and written this time without any translator assistance, apologies if any grammar mistake.