I didn't have that much orientation about wealth, finance and money, though I did save money then. Starting from when I was young, my mom taught me how to save money.
She taught me to start saving money from the first day of January. During the festival period, some of my uncles and aunts come home to celebrate with us, and some of them tip me.
I never did a business as a kid, but at 16 years old I started a teaching job.
We pick up valuable lessons in different ways and times so I think you've also done that; you saved some money, that was smart, and hopefully that habit has stuck with you until now.
I picked mine but the economy changed, to save money, there must be income. I thought I would continue to get free tips from relatives but the change in government changed everything.
Getting free stuff doesn't teach work ethic and responsibility, it breeds complacency, just my opinion. There's a lot to be said for a reward for effort ethos.
That's true.