It sounds a little like living in a war zone and I don't know how everyone there does not have some form of something like PTSD. I know, that I don't know anything about the details, but I can't imagine anyone that has a real choice, staying in a situation like that, especially with a family. I'm not saying all that meaning about you as you are telling that you know you want to go. I also know there would be some people that would think they had no way out too. It's such a shame there is anywhere like that, but from stories I hear/read from many directions, unfortunately it is happening in multiple places. It seems there is nothing much being done to the criminals and gangs. I would be frightened out of my wits to be in such a place. Certainly I have always known that no one is exempt from possible break ins and attacks, but here, you feel fairly safe most of the times but still take certain precautions to help not invite such things.
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Not quite that bad and also when you have grown up with this issue you are just used to it and just have better security than your neighbors. If you don't have the means to get out of a situation you have to find away.