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RE: Fucked or not

in Reflections4 months ago (edited)

I originally thought I was a strong person and have had a naturally upbeat, fastly rebounding heart, soul and personality.....but life slowly beat me up and so I slowly withdrew, so slowly that I barely noticed it was happening. I became a semi recluse...ha ha... that is what I call myself and covid didn't make that better.

Now I feel like I'm in my safe space mostly when I'm home alone and I don't like being pushed or stressed. Sounds like a weenie person ...right? I'm still my same self with my family, but most other people in the real world, well, too much drama to participate most times. Everybody trying to scam something out of everybody else and trustworthy?... not many.

I'm still mostly content in general . I sometimes daydream of busting back out into the world.... but only for a few moments.

I do try to stay aware as much as I can of any situations in my family or community that I can help with, but mostly that consists of throwing some money on it. 😮

P.S..... I have not missed that many of the countries of the world are allowing themselves to be overrun with questionable invaders (immigrants) and I see it as a much bigger, on purpose happening our governments are orchestrating for some new world order. Whatever that plan is, it is not good for the vast amount of people in general. No... I don't know what I am talking about, but I still see it. If they have their way, it's not going to be good for us.


I totally understand your first paragraph, sad but true, and I think many feel the same way.

Your last paragraph...I totally agree there as well, those scenarios are not managed well and I think are changing the face of the planet so rapidly that it's impossible to account for and adapt to the changes before they go and change again. It's a problem but when raised, even with good intentions, people are screamed at for being racist (which I mostly disagree with). It should be a person's right to protect their way of life and culture within their own country.

It is not racist for a country to have secure borders and to take in real immigrants, people of every race and gender, after they have been vetted. It is only responsible for the security and well being of the people that are already there. The people that yell racist mindlessly about that are just trying to be bullies to people that don't see it the way they do. If someone doesn't take the time to try to see a bigger picture, well, you won't convince them because if they could really have an intelligent conversation about it, they wouldn't be shouting racist first thing.

I couldn't agree more!

Tell it like it is Jace ! ha ha

Lol, best that way I reckon, no point beating around the bush.