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RE: Fucked or not

in Reflections4 months ago

What has changed in your lifetime for the worse, why do you think it's changed and do you see that thing reversing?

Bad stuff: Money supply inflation, price inflation, housing market distortions, war, regulation

Good stuff: Ending the Clinton gun ban in 2004, a trend toward "constitutional carry" laws, development of cryptocurrencies, gradual decriminalization of drugs

Basically, political intervention and technocrat control freaks are the root of the worst problems we face, and either circumventing or politically subverting them is good. That's also why despite a lot of misgivings, I can see the argument that Trump is a lesser evil when compared to Harris.

What act of kindness, generosity or selflessness have you witnessed someone else do that you feel brought a little positivity to the world?

There's a local faith-based charity that provides sack lunches every week for the kids who come to the library storytime. They are staffed by volunteers and funded by donations, and the folks there are trying to be salt and light in a world where too many Christians are often presenting themselves more like authoritarians.


I agree with your good and bad; indeed.

I like what that group is doing for those kids, that's what we need more of. Less ego and hubris and more (genuine) caring.

The political class offers a counterfeit of everything we value: security, charity, productivity, and so on. Voluntary associations do far more with far less and without any coercion whatsoever against peaceful people.