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RE: Auditioning the Future

in Reflections2 months ago

Hello, @tarazkp

What if it will be an unforgettable day for your daughter? Who knows, judging from your own experience? I guess so. I am still grateful for my parent's decision to enroll me in a music school. So, keeping my distance, I dare say yes, it will be a great day. I understand your concerns about the nature of today's schools. But, if you stop and think about it, there will always be problems to contend with: noisy kids and those who may grow up to loathe schools. And as you rightly say, little Smallsteps, sooner or later, will have to deal with these. Fortunately, you will be there to support her, with love and wisdom, mistakes and successes. Learning the beautiful task of parenting with every step will be a source of inspiration for your daughter.



I wish it was as easy as enrolling - unfortunately there is a small number of places for a large number of kids who want to go.

The schoolyards have changed so much since we were kids though, and so many of the behaviours are driven by social media and the internet, with kids not even realising what they are really doing. 10 year olds sharing naked pictures of themselves with each other....

Few vacancies? That's an obstacle when there is a lot of demand. Let's hope that your little girl will excel and be admitted. Regarding the bad influence of social networks on children, it is a major problem that you have to face! You will have to work hard to educate her with good values. A biblical prescription comes to my mind that says something like this: if you bring up a child with persistence to keep the right way, as an adult he will not stray from it. So, you have a difficult task in a world with relative morals and ethics. The forces of the masses constitute a huge challenge these days, and your capacity for observance is restricted by the educational system. Courage Taraz!

btw, did you like music school?

What if I liked the music school? Yes, very much. I had excellent teachers, strict but with a lot of pedagogy back in the late 70's. I still remember their last names: Marcaida (piano) and Kaparonaki (electronic organ). From time to time, I sit at the keyboard and let my fingers flow over the black-and-white sections and the magic happens. May Smallsteps find delight and discipline in playing music! I understand that he is drawn to the piano. Well, so be it!