For a few years now, the citizens of my country have been living with a high level of uncertainty; the political, economic and social crisis has made our days a roller coaster of borderline emotions that cause us to be in a constant state of alarm and insecurity. To this I add the lack of certainty, due to that state of ignorance, where it is impossible to know what will happen in the future.
The important thing is to take that hesitation as a challenge with optimism and self-confidence.
It is normal that they appear, it is part of our day to day…
That same fear that we have of failure is a source of unpleasant emotions such as anxiety, anguish and fear, and is that they appear entering your house uninvited, in the face of the unknown, and I confess that many times it is difficult for me to take control of them.
The key is to know how to manage them, otherwise they can cause deep emotional suffering and psychological disorders such as anxiety and panic, among others.
I have had some very strong days facing the possibility of making a mistake in front of a new project that I want to start, and the decision to emigrate from my country. I do not want or wish to make mistakes, this feeling is causing me great stress and anxiety.
With the certainty that uncertainty is our friend on the way and keeps me alert, awake and conscious, my steps are more, and I think it brings me closer to that longed-for peace that allows me to live and enjoy the only time I really have TODAY, my PRESENT.
And because he trusted in my abilities and abilities, I allow myself to have the courage to solve whatever comes. All changes are scary, especially the ones that stretch us to 1000%.
The month of November began with open wings to honor the presence of all the women “mother, wife, friend, professional”, who live in me.
I dream of a world for everyone from the vision of empathy, loyalty, sorority, inclusion, spirituality, transformation, respect, mercy, justice, but above all visible.

I woke up today missing... the colors, the feeling of peace, the smell of roasted coffee, the typical food of the Andean region with its wheat arepas, and the Andean pinch at breakfast, and my husband and I have decided to go away to spend a delicious weekend before culminating this November in a cabin of some good friends, we have been there before (photos in the post), the place is magical, it is a little piece of heaven.
In addition, I am grateful for the wonderful experience and opportunity to share with this friendly couple, contemporary with us and learn about the culture of that beautiful village, in the Trujillo state, in the Venezuelan Andes.
The countryside, the green, the climate, its mountains, flowers, fauna, its food and its people are the most... They bring my "I" to the present tense and reminds me that no matter how many times I fall, the valuable thing is how I get up. Having a flexible thinking, to have several options and accept changes quickly and properly is my driving force towards my goals to achieve, before the end of this year.
I am more than sure that the purpose that God has for me goes straight to the most human. May my heart remain this grateful, and I pray that nothing of my personality changes for the way I am. ”Human."
If I work TODAY in what I can, it is my best choice, it depends on me that things turn out in the best possible way.
Any problem that arises later, I trusted that my future SELF, will know how to solve it, so I don't worry today. I am aware that I cannot control my future, this is an almost normal need in us earth humans.
Work in a positive attitude of alertness and action in the face of what is happening to me, and talking about my fears with positive and proactive people makes my fears lose strength.
One of my tools is trust in God, in prayer that strengthens my faith, that there is a loving father who sustains me in the storms, whatever your belief or religion, trust, it will give you peace.
This has been for a long time one of my best experiences of this year that is almost over, a pre-Christmas surprise with which I am completely happy, thanks to my partner, for supporting me, for his love, great patience and respect.

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia
Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva
Translation with |DeepL
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