From here on out ...

in Reflections16 days ago

Not all fears are unfounded, the important thing is that they do not paralyze us or prevent us from living and enjoying what we love.

Sometimes bad things happen to us, even very bad things, and eventually we think that they are things that should not happen to us, however, they happen to us.

And it is precisely when that feeling overwhelms, when that feeling attacks, that we must understand that as long as there is life, life continues.

And if it continues and we are in it, then we must have the necessary strength, sufficient passion and energy to be able to solve all the problems that come our way.

It's not that we are invincible, it's simply that we are human and humans have populated life in such a way that nature sometimes surrenders to us.

That's why when you think that everything is lost, when you feel that the situation overwhelms you, you can't anymore, understand, that as long as there is life, there is hope.

And these are not clichéd words, they are a reality, because hope is based on the communion between experience, faith and enough energy to be able to achieve the goals.

Failure, although it is always part of life, is one more step for us to succeed. This reminds me of a terrible car accident I had many years ago.

I was driving my van to the airport with one of my daughters, it was early in the morning and the flight was first thing in the morning, my daughter was 4 years old at that time, unfortunately another driver threw his van at me to make way😢, I lost control of my van, and my daughter shot out of the suitcase hatch (she had unbuckled) the seat belt, when I manage to stabilize my van I realize that my daughter is not inside the van, and immediately I launched to look for her, I found her lying on the highway, it was awesome, my little girl lost half of her scalp.

She was conscious, but my screams when I saw her were not normal, suddenly I realized that she did not know how her head was, she told me that she did not feel pain and I had to control myself and pretend that everything was fine, I told her: my love we have to go to the doctor so that they can put band-aids on the scrapes on your knees.

I had to be very strong for her and thank God her reconstruction surgery went excellent, my daughter is a miracle and she is currently an orthodontic dentist.

After this experience I learned to have self-control to be able to handle bad situations, and to help other people not to despair, in difficult cases.

Despite my surroundings at that time and the big scare, my emotional control, connected with calm facilitated that happy ending.

Definitely understand that we should value everything at all, not take anything for granted, then. It is a second chance, it is to see life with a new real view and live from gratitude from now on, to understand that for something I had to live that experience and look for new and better purposes.

I have worked deeply in my mind and in my emotions and that gives me more possibilities to act in favor. Either we become strong or we become very super strong, we have no choice.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL