We would have saved ourselves a lot of trouble.
A person with emotional intelligence does not drown in the reaction of the moment. He or she knows that not everything deserves an answer, that impulse destroys and that calm always plays in theirs favor.
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He is not afraid of conflict, but he does not seek it either. Understand that setting limits is not being aggressive, it's being clear. That not everyone has to agree with one, but one has to be at peace with what one chooses…
Anyone who wants to understand, asks. Whoever wants to judge, invents.
So when our emotional intelligence is triggered, we don't need everyone to understand it. Because we simply have that we are not in this world to convince anyone, to fit in with the flock, but we are to live a life from our immense authenticity.
It is very common when our emotional intelligence is present, "NEVER negotiate peace of mind". And if something intoxicates us, we have to stay away. If someone hurts us, we let him or her go, far away from us.
At my age and experience I have learned that if an environment steals my energy, I don't stay to see what happens, I run out of there. Because before waiting for others to change, I choose and decide to change the radio dial "myself", well.
And last but not least, this that I write almost at the end of this post, is that a person with emotional intelligence is not one who never feels pain, anger or sadness. She's the one who knows what to do with those unpleasant emotions.
i think it is not difficult to make an introspection and see where we agree with what I write here, I think I am a person with emotional intelligence, not that he does not feel pain, anger, sadness but he kind of knows how to handle that, there I stopped, when I was writing this unedited post, by the way.
A while ago I went through a pain so, but so great that I even thought about death because I felt that I couldn't stand it anymore. Today, time has passed, although, it hurts but let's say a little less the impact on me.
Then I think that at that moment I didn't know how to solve it, what helped me mitigate my pain was not talking about the topic, something like "evasion", maybe it was my defense mechanism and maybe towards what was possible to solve to recover little by little.
I don't know what I would do in another similar situation or with another type of problem, or maybe I would know how to solve it if it hadn't been so painful, I don't know.
Because in the end, true intelligence is not in avoiding what hurts, but in learning to go through it without losing ourselves.
Sometimes we forget that this is the best way to live. On the cover, a beautiful little walk towards my house, thinking about the beautiful nature that surrounds me.
Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia
Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva
Translation with |DeepL
"Think before you speak" have been my life motto recently. Whatever emotions I am feeling, I should watch what my mouth says. Especially when I get very mad, I make sure to think before I speak.
It is very important to be aware of it so as not to hurt ourselves or hurt others, poorly expressed words in a moment of anger, can even mark a very thin line between life and death. Thanks for commenting, happy day.