Balance, indeed the most important key which one should have in life, unless you'll have a bad fall. Let me explain this with what happened with me, Recently what happened with me i just wanted to share it with you. As I'm growing up i too need to learn my new things and give out a good output through them. So recently i asked my father to make me learn a 2 vehicle 'Activa', so as we agreed we just continued this thing and at 9 p.m when there's no traffic, so he guided me to slowly give some acceleration and them maintain balance but what happened was not imagined i just gave the acceleration more and just speed up and unfortunately just banged up into somebody's parked car. Then that person came out, but thank god he was really very nice and kind hearted that he just gave some good tips to follow and forgave me like it just gave a little scratch on the car and peeled off the skin of my leg giving me the worst injury ever.
That's why what ever you do needs a balance and experience which will further help you out. But i just went out of the balance and that's all what happened. My confidence and my strength that i would be successful in learning the 2 vehicle but after all that happened i just lost my confidence and it went to a big zero.
After this thing one which i learnt is with time comes great experience and the great balance of life. Anything taken excessively leads to a disaster, it could be anything. I just got frightened about the thing that if i could hit a still car then what about the moving car on the most trafficking roads of India i really overthink a lot about this thing since last night and i cried too in the thought what will i do now. All the negative thoughts were just gathering in my mind but the only solution after this was if i try and try again or leave it a side and and that's what i am not able to decide upon.
Balance, balance and balance maintaining this 7 letter word in life can really set it and not maintaing can destroy it. But the point comes when the person wants to do it but is not able to, like i just went out of my mind and got imbalanced which lead to all this.
These are some of the points in your life in which you stuck that leave the thing as it is or solve the puzzle which is distributing your mind if the person decides between these things then i would say that you just crossed one of the stage of the difficulty.
But for this this I'm not sure about what to do because driving any vehicle is the game of mind and if you master the art then it's great because you consciousness is to be very strong and very confident about your driving skill.
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