How many times can you learn the same lesson?

in Reflections10 months ago



As long as it takes until you get it.

Not sure if I want to call it Karma. I always had my difficulties, believing someone could get punished that straight forward for their bad actions. Who decides whats good and what bad? Who is there to bring justice to our actions? To me, no one, but yourself. Some people do terrible things and they just get away with it. Sometimes we do terrible things to ourselves and we think we can get away with it.

Do we really?

Even if there is no one there making sure everyone gets what they deserve. We will never be able to escape ourselves. Every action, every thought and lesson along the way will stay with us, forever, until the end.

It is a constant choice between growth or destruction.

Either we learn the lesson, or we’ll carry it with us, for as long as it takes to get it, wether it will be six or forty-four years or anything in between.

You can just accept the lesson when it shows up for the first time in your life, or you can drag it on forever. You can repeat a pattern for the fourth time over decades, and still think this time you’ll get away with it. After years of disappointment you can still stick around, just one more moment, because you’ll think, this time something will change.

And what’s the Karma all about when you see it in the people around you? When you see them laying one stone after the other in their way? When you see them making it harder to move on for themselves, see them sabotaging their own growth? If you keep on dragging these stones out of their way, just for them to throw back some more.

It seems to take up the same time as learning a lesson. Forever and just one more time. The lesson, that one day one of these stones will hit you, and maybe that, finally makes you give up. Give up, trying to clear the way of others for them.

A lot of sadness, not for the one that got hit. But for the ones who keep throwing the stones.

Choosing destruction over growth and comfort over learning and the unknown.

It is everyones choice.

There is something very exciting about it, realizing that you can learn and that you can move on and always further in life at any stage. Even if it can be awfully hard and hurtful to face some realities, it opens endless opportunities for change. Even if it can be difficult to accept you’ll never get your time back, you can always choose how you’ll spend the time you have left. Wether you want to spend it pulled back by your past or driven forward by freedom.

And all it takes is just one moment. One choice. The one to learn and grow.

Maybe that’s what they mean when they call it “Karma”. Nobody escapes themselves, and we can all choose to learn our own lessons.

Isn’t growth always… “Hard at the beginning, messy in the middle and beautiful in the end.” 1 ?

Thanks for showing up, I appreciate all your ideas or reflections you might want to add! Enjoy your week!

All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself. (except: see quote)

1 Robin Sharma "The 5am. Club"


Love the topic and your musings here :) Don't know if it's a matter of accepting the lesson the first time, so much as being in a place to understand it. I think sometimes, when a lesson appears multiple times, it's because we're not prepared, mature enough or just in the right place to learn it the first time, you know? Just my 2 cents worth.

Love the seeming randomness of these photos, particularly the last one - it's gorgeous.

Thank you!!💜
Yes I agree, whatever comes back again still wants to be understood, but hasn't yet been. I guess sometimes we can learn the first time, but then it also might not feel that much like an accomplishment or "something learned" because it just came easy/natural. Both are interesting on the way though life though, I find. :)

I think sometimes we do bad things until we learn that they are not good. It's the same with mistakes, we make mistakes until we learn from them.

Who decides what is good and what is bad? I think it's not something one decides but something that, after a while, becomes a kind of reality that cannot be denied. We don't decide, we just become aware of it.

Why do some people persist in wrongdoing? They just haven't realized it yet. Maybe sometimes we see their mistakes, just as sometimes we don't see our own. Maybe we've learned things they haven't, and vice versa. Everyone is different. Everyone is at a different place.

But I think at the end of the day, doing "bad" will not make us feel good inside. Bad is bad precisely because it harms us, and others, even when we don't realize and ignore that harm.

At least that's what I think.

Interesting thoughts. Cheers to you!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that, I enjoyed reading them!

Who decides what is good and what is bad? I think it's not something one decides but something that, after a while, becomes a kind of reality that cannot be denied. We don't decide, we just become aware of it.

Yes, I feel like thats where sometimes things can seem unfair, or we can feel like we can get away with something. When in the end we are just not at the stage yet where we understand.

And also the next part, resonates a lot. Often easier to see it in others or in strangers and in ourselves.

Until next time then:)

A good take on the issue of maturing.

Either we learn the lesson, or we’ll carry it with us, for as long as it takes to get it, wether it will be six or forty-four years or anything in between.

Well said. I would add that sometimes it may even not happen when we die.

And all it takes is just one moment. One choice. The one to learn and grow.

Here I disagree. While a moment of realization does happen and happen to all people, I am certain, this moment is easily being forgotten again. Many distractions and also a huge pull towards confirmation about "my sad childhood", "my neglecting father", "my traumatic experience" and so forth. I see fifty, sixty and older folks still talking about their "loveless parents" or their "toxic relationship". The opposite of having matured out of it.

I would add that sometimes it may even not happen when we die.

True, I guess we can only "solve" as much as is possible in one life, which isn't the same amount for everyone.

Hmm yes, interesting. For sure that realization can come many times and things will stay the same. One thing I meant (or thought of) when writing that was, that the way to mature and grow out of things can be very hard. Meanwhile just one switch in your thoughts can (sometimes) be enough. (Acceptance for example, is "only" a thought, and can be a long way to reach.)

Thank you to share your thoughts!