My glass is half empty, I am looking for the fool that drank from my glass. Pity that fool if I find em... 😂
I like the wandering you did when you and yours wandered off for that breakfast date without these a.i. tethers we are addicted to.
Every time I spend a day at home without mine it is refreshing.
I look to you for my glass filling. Gotta get it topped off. Half ain't cuttin' it bro!
My bro, you're in need of a good fucken glassfillerising! If I was there we'd go do something to make it happen and then lay in hammocks at the ranch and tell each other lies with a brew.
Sound fair?
To quote a man I highly admire. That would be "legit"!
Your glass of ODouls was too tempting, I stole that shit bro
Well whoever thee fuck drank my glass full. I just hope they didn't backwash me. No man spit on my please.!!
Backwash, no bueno.