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RE: Got big hard wood

in Reflections11 months ago

I got so excited by the title of this post that I could not wait to show you some of my...

Big Hard Wood!


I too (parallel universe again) grew up around hard wood. Soft does not burn as clean and clogs the chimney.

To this day I still sport wood 🪵🪓

I prefer to and some times can't help but sport it early in the morning.

Here are a few photos of Me and My wood.


Spoiler alert. These are safe for work.

no axes will be swung here @ The Pookyville Cat Ranch and Tree Farm...EVER.!!

Dawn's Crack (2).jpg

Wood Pile (3).jpg


I'd heard your wood was hard, that you managed to get hard wood when you needed or wanted it and here's pictorial proof!