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RE: Welcome to my new home

in Reflections5 months ago

As you mention, we recently did this and I think it all boils down to how you look at it. The fact that you're already discussing it means you both subconsciously know it's time at some level. It's simply allowing that subconscious knowledge to come to the surface and accept it to make forward movement.

Yes, the time we spent in Vermont was good for us. I think it was necessary for us to experience and transition. We do miss the wonderful meadow in the backyard. However, that is the only thing we miss. We have gotten settled into the new digs fairly quickly (we're both a bit obsessive about that). We've had to do more repairs than expected, but overall we are so much happier here. It's amazing how much difference and vibration one place can have vs another. We're definitely in a better vibrational place and very glad we made that decision.
We're still struggling a bit on getting back all the financial stability, and recovering from the cross-country moving costs and repairs, but that will come in a short enough time. The feeling we get waking up each morning is worth it 10 times over.

I'm sure yours will go in a similar pattern as well. Key for us was planning and then follow thru on execution, something I know you do well.
Looking forward to hearing more about it!


That feeling you mention is so important and it's not just about the house, it's about weather, surroundings, the town, the activities one can engage in due to the many factors.

It's never an easy thing, selling, buying and moving, and the stresses can be immense, things go wrong, repairs in your case, financial matters...but if one can sit back later and feel right, that vibration you mentioned...well, it's that which matters.