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RE: What's the point

in Reflectionslast year

Bad habits are hard to break, doing the right thing, even if they are not looking at you, often comes from the upbringing of the values you have as a person, but a person who has been formed under those concepts, I am not saying that someone who has bad habits, can not break those bad habits and start doing the right thing.

I think I will touch on a political topic, but a very superficial one. I am a public accountant, a career that I have always liked, for some reason of upbringing in ethical values, I do not practice it as a profession, I am always preparing and updating myself in it, because I teach at the university and I must keep myself up to date.

The problem is that in my country the level of corruption is so highly aggressive that I prefer to do the right thing, many times I have been offered a lot of money for doing totally wrong things, but my conscience does not allow me, even though many times my financial liquidity is below the basic levels to be able to be with a quality of life that reaches me to meet the needs of my home, I just do not do it, as I said I prefer not to exercise it, especially when I am offered that kind where it is wrong and my principles do not allow me, that I have it as a habit. But I am also always teaching my students about being and should be.

In theory, being is what happens, but duty is what should be done.

When they understand that, they know it is the right thing to do, and that for me is a great personal achievement, besides I believe that with that, instilling the duty to be, I am doing the right thing.


Ownership, responsibility and discipline breaks bad habits...laziness does not; I agree that upbringing can have a bearing, but ultimate responsibility lies with the individual.

I appreciate you giving a personal example of the concept I have raised here; I also understand that doing the right thing can be subjective, but it's an interesting subject don't you think? Those who are doing the wrong thing by others possibly think they're doing the right thing for themselves I guess right? we each need to reflect on ourselves generally...however when performing a job function there's a different responsibility I guess...and that's where integrity comes into it.

Thanks for commenting.

That is the main thing that every person should have.

The responsibility is of the individual.

When the person understands that, assimilates it and practices it, the subjective loses strength in front of the main objective, in this case to do the right thing no matter if you are seen or not.

How do you work to instil that ethos of responsibility with your daughters? I'm not a parent so as out of curiosity.