No man is an island

in Reflections8 months ago

In this world where a number of people are good in spearheading division and discord the value of joint ventures and unanimity stands as a guiding light of evolution. This can be in individual relationships, communities or world affairs the power to be in harmony and form a relationship bear’s hug importance for attaining mutual ends, breeding agreement and overpowering difficulties.

They say “no man is an island” the saying is unplumbed in spite of the fact that it may perhaps mean many things contingent on how someone infers. Nevertheless the literal meaning is no man is self-sufficient or self reliant. In my own rendition we all need each other irrespective of who we are in society. The saying is true looking at the most successful individuals in this world; they partnered with someone or did not achieve success on their own. This is something I have been reflecting on and some of the names that came to mind are Bill Gates and Paul Allen the founders of Microsoft, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard the founders HP, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak the founders of Apple Inc etc. Am sure when these persons came together they had different views and strengths though I have not read much about them. I believe they took note of their dissimilarities and went for the common goal to achieve success. This is what partnership brings; it spearheads flexibility, commonality and a sense of belonging. Partnership inspires persons to overlook their personal interests and act upon the corporate good resulting in a more all-encompassing and pleasant atmosphere.

Having a mindset of partnering with others brings about inflates of individual strives by giving out possessions and skills towards a common goal. Another saying that encourages partnership apart from the abovementioned is “a problem shared is a problem solved”. In times of challenges or difficulties one can stand the storms that come their way because they will face it with others and the burden becomes light. On the contrary, facing the storm alone is challenging. Imagine a ship with no crew members on board and the captain sailing alone in a rough sea; this could lead to a disastrous end.

Finally a healthy marriage, where the spouses originate from various backgrounds and decide to set aside their divergent worldviews in order to achieve harmony, is the ideal illustration of partnership. My reflection on this issue has been really encouraging, and I am excited to expand my partnerships in all areas of my life be encouraged to.