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RE: Human garbage

in Reflections3 months ago

Today the courts in UK sentenced a dad for 40 years and his wife for 33 years for killing his 10 year old daughter (her step daughter). The girl was tortured for two years and after she died, they fled UK with their other five kids back to Pakistan leaving the body in their home. When the girl's body was found by the police it had "six probable human bite marks, an iron burn and scalding from hot water, more than 70 new external injuries, including 11 fractures to her spine and signs of a traumatic brain injury."

The girl had been in foster care before, father had violence history and social services were involved but the whole system failed her. The whole situation is so sickening



Was this in the local news? The 5 kids are still with their grandparents I think

I remembered replying to this with a dawn news link. I am not sure why my comment is not showing.

Found it in your other reply


Only 40 years and 33 respectively? I'd have peeled their skin off with a carrot peeler before staking them out on an ant hill...would save the tax payers money by not having to pay for their accommodation in prison. That's just me though, there's many who would disagree with my idea of justice.

I heard child abusers never have a good time in jail, sounds like even criminals have a sense of justice when it comes to kids. Not sure if it's true, hope it is.

Some well known channels covered the news. But I listen news on HIVE FIRST by monitoring "Pakistan" using friday bot. After that I verify it on news channels if needed.

Yeah, that's apparently true, I've heard the same. I'm pretty black and white on the matter; people taking advantage of those who can't take care of themselves is not something I'm tolerant of.
