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RE: A Shrinking Pool

in Reflections5 months ago

I think time is our main currency and many of us is just wasting it without really thinking. You equal time with money and you can realize how much television or other silly stuff is really costing us. TO give one example. But then, time wasted doing something you like is not really wasted. Or is it?


Time is just a tracker, attention is the active component. Time passes regardless of how it is spent, attention can be left unspent.

I see awareness as the active component, with focus and attention being just part of it. As in regard of time, being in the present moment is the real deal, as opposed to train of thought being in the past (regret) or in the future (worry). We can go into much more detail, but the main thing is, this young generation is lacking all of them metrics. All. Very rarely we can see exceptions.