How distractions take us away from the real value in life

in Reflections2 years ago (edited)

What does not kill me, it fortifies me
- Friedrich Nietzche -

I published a few weeks ago some thoughts on Mass Media as weapons of Mass Distraction.
In the last days I found a bunch of images that made me thinking and reflecting onto where we are headed and what kind of information we are getting from the mass-stream.

When we speak about Mass Distraction we cannot miss to mention some parts of the narration around the pandemic, the (almost) compulsory medical campaign done, Ukraine War, extraterrestrials and now also Climate Change.

So much importance is given to such topics (some of them with doubtful basis and others attributed to the so called “complotists” ) that many people became afraid of going on holidays because of the war.

I have seen friends of mine activating push notices to be constantly updated about the war status so my question is

how on Earth can a constant update on the war may anyhow influence my life? Or how I can influence the situation there?

I can do Nothing

Preoccupation is occupying myself before something happens. If I do not have power on some situations, why should I be worried?

The only efforts for me should be to improve my life conditions, bringing value to people and to myself improving different aspects of my life and theirs (when possible).

Source: from the web

Here is a nice math representation of Life. Aside from **Happiness **I would also add **Value **as happiness is not always connected to value as sometimes we bring value and some other times we will bring value. I would consider a SUM of Happiness and Value, as they are often out of phase but it does not mean that one is less or more important than the other in such moment.

What is the key aspect I see here?

Taking responsibility of my actions

  • An investment went bad? I could dig deeper (it’s too easy blaming others for putting faith in them. My money, my responsibility)

  • A work/job went bad? How could I improve my presence there or how can I improve the next one avoiding the same recurring mistakes?

It’s hard truth but everything that happens in our life has a meaning. Sometimes we are ready to understand it, other times not.

But also bad things come to teach us something. Even simply to make us enjoy what we had and we did not even notice or appreciate before.

Source: Businessbrainy account on IG

Like Joe Vitale correctly mentions in “Zero Limits”:

if anything happens in my life (or in the life of people in my life) it has something to do with me and my life-course.

Sometimes, it can be harsh to accept or a tough test to overcome


I like this post... very good to read ☕👌👌👌👌

I hope you make more them 🤗👌👌

Also I take hard times like hard test ... to get more higher in life .

Thanks for the support! Yes, I will try to do more of it, as it's something I really fell in my life

Cool ... I try hold eyes open for next post soon ;)


And what I find incredible is that even when the costs are uncovered and apparent, people are still willing to give up their health, time and focus - anything to take their minds off their suffering.

Easy paths to escape suffering require less efforts and less transformation.
Fast food, fast money, fast transportations, fast results and so on. The easy but not longlasting path