Petition to Call a General Election, UK

in Reflections4 months ago

Written almost as if on one's phone under the table at the pub, while engaging in another conversation, this brief yet apt petition popped up out of nowhere merely 5 days ago.

When I saw it, yesterday, it had reached about 200,000 votes.

Now, it's at 1.8 million.


The interesting thing is that this isn't just some group in some area gathering together and causing inflated influence. It's like a red blanket covering the entire map of England:


With the exception, of course, of the major cities (yellow) which are largely very, very left wing and/or basically foreign and don't really know what petitions are (or simply no time for petitions due to grinding work hours).

The British voted the Tories for Brexit, with the hopes that they would simply control immigration and sovereignty. Not stop it. Nobody wants to stop immigrants coming to the UK. But control it, slow it down. Let everybody adjust at a human rate.

But the Tories, even though they 'accepted' the vote, didn't ^honour& it. Nobody in power really wanted Brexit, they all hated it and betrayed it; they did everything in their power to undermine it.

So the British voted them out, despite the knowledge that they were voting in even worse people. Perhaps a rare example of voting for 'the worst of two evils'. But we had to teach the Tories a lesson, and we had to keep Labour under our boots.

This will happen to you if you don't honour our beliefs

Well, Labour didn't learn, and they decided, for some reason, to go to war with almost every demographic. They implemented stealth taxes, they fucked with the farmers, they broke their promises time and time again.

And it's only been a few months!

So who has he declared war on, exactly? Like I said, almost everyone:

Working Class

When riots started after some guy murdered and injured multiple children, rather than saying 'I hear your concerns and we will do everything we can to prevent this in the future', he decided the opposite was best: Call everybody racist thugs and extreme right wingers who need to be imprisoned immediately for even the slightest misdemeanour.

The Middle Class

Under the uninformed vision that private schools are all poncy, super elite establishments of Oxford millionaires, he removed VAT exemption from them. In reality, most private schools are a few hundred pounds a month which most middle class people can afford, but with the VAT exemption gone, can no longer. This means a huge supply of private educated kids get thrown into public schools, which as public school teachers have said, they can't really handle due to already being massively overpopulated. The added strain on public services could be significant, and the reduction of educational quality palpable.

The Upper Class


This is a map of millionaires coming and going from various countries in 2024. Notice how the UK has the largest number leving of any other country except China, which has a population 25x that of ours. In terms of proportion, ours are fleeing like we're about to be thrown into war. Need I say more.


100,000 pensioners will be driven into poverty as a result of them cutting their 'Winter Fuel Allowance', which literally is support for poor people so they don't freeze to death in the winter. Interestingly this is causing a kind of Labour civil war, as those in Scotland - a notably colder country, have vowed to bring it back in Scotland if they get into power next.


Almost immediately after directly promising they would not target farmers, they targeted farmers, by taxing them with inheritance tax (an inherently evil tax to begin with), of any farm valued over a million - which isn't much given how much it costs now to run a farm. Most farms actually generate tiny profits, below minimum wage. For the larger ones worth say 5 million, they might generate about 60k. But when the father dies, the children get slapped in the face with a 1 million inheritance tax, forcing them to sell it off to mega-corporations who can afford it.

Unfortunately this also puts him at war with Jeremy Clarkson, one of the most popular public figures who has been the host of the most popular shows - about farming.

Law Abiding Citizens

In an attempt to make space in prisons, Starmer decided to release thousands of criminals - some of them very bad people, and replace them instead with people who write mean things on Twitter. Some of those criminals released went on to offend, and be re-arrested on the same day of their release.

Others were met by mafia-style groups of men in luxury, gangster, totally-legally-obtained cars.


Labour plans to bring in a 'pay-per-mile' tax. Of course there's also the expansion of the electric car phenomenon, and punishing people too poor to buy electric cars by charging you fees for not having a sufficiently green engine.


He's making everybody pay more in National Insurance. This cost, of course, trickles down to the working class.

People who pay council tax

While enjoying one of the lowest council tax rates in the country, Starmer himself has decided to add on average about 110 quid per household in this tax.


For some reason, the UK got itself involved with a country far, far away with whom we had barely any relationship with prior. I can smell the stench of virtue signalling from here. Sure, there's an argument to be had about protecting our wheat imports or whatever, but if we just left this war to its own devices and Russia won, you think they would just cease all exports to the UK? I highly doubt it.

Am I being callous? Well, nobody mentions any of the other wars going on in the world, the civil wars, the famines, the open slave markets. I bet most people reading this couldn't name one outside of Ukraine and Israel.

We cherry pick our righteousness.

But to make it worse, now Starmer has allowed Ukraine to use British missiles on Russian soil, directly implicating us into the war FOR SOME REASON. And now Putin has justified war on Britain, and all the Russian news channels are talking about nuclear war with us. Great.

I wonder who actually asked for any of the above?

So... Why?

Surely, we all understand, money has to come from somewhere, right? There's a 22 billion pound 'black hole' left over from the previous government they have to patch up.

So it comes as a surprise to me when I hear that Labour has committed an equal 22 billion pounds on 'Carbon Capture and Storage projects'. A vanity project.

Don't get me wrong I'm all for clean energy and all that but when this country, one who generates under 1% of global emissions, is dying, I feel like we have higher priorities to deal with.

Like preventing Nuclear War.

So back to this:

This will happen to you if you don't honour our beliefs

'lo and behold, the country is revolting. Labour lied, they know we know they lied, and their time in power will be short.

This petition won't amount to anything directly by itself. I've taken part in petitions before and all that happens is they raise the concern in front of about 8 people who decided to attend, and then one person says 'Nah it's fine' and then they move on. Democracy!

But, symbolically, this highlights something very, very clearly.

The British people are not left wing. Their government is extremely out of touch and separate from the beliefs of the people. There is zero good alternative that represents the people right now. Nobody. People are about as right wing as the rest of Europe currently is. We are feeling the need to protect ourselves, our heritage, our future.

And we will keep causing havoc until somebody with meaningful conviction comes to the fore and 'drains the swamp', so to speak.


Sometimes I feel they pick politicians with zero intellect or personality, making them easier to control and manipulate. They don't seem to prioritize what's best for their country. This is not just a UK issue unfortunately. I think it's good that people are kept aware of this, even through petitions. Hopefully, they will wake up and go vote when time comes.

politicians with zero intellect or personality,

I think I read the current UK leadership is the least educated and experienced ever. All but about 3 of them have ever had an actual job before lol... it's absurd. One in particular lied in her resume to 'fail upwards' to the position she's in now where she launched the major budget that essentially ruins the country. Having no real knowledge or experience in the area.

They don't seem to prioritize what's best for their country.

They prioritize, evidently, the 'globalist' agenda. I hate saying that because it sounds like I'm some conspiracy theorist. But they say it out loud, it's not some secret, they're proud of it.

It has to change... the whole world of citizens is moving towards protectionism, while the elites in control are going the opposite direction against the wishes of their people. It's madness.

it's not a conspiracy. Unfortunately, this is the world today. We had wealth, and our standard of living improved because we did not have to waste money on stupid wars and we could invest it in our economies instead. This will probably change soon. We were lucky to grow up in relatively peaceful times because we enjoyed what they call "peace dividends". What changed is that now it's not just about mismanaging the economy, those idiots in power are pushing us to wars that we don't need.

Sad times ahead. I hope we will collectively get together and use our tiny little powers as one and turn everything around. But I suppose it has to get much worse before people are forced to take such risks.

Politics! It's always full of deception.

Yeah, the only job whose job requirements is to lie and manipulate as a bare minimum lol...

Is there any threshold (e.g. 5 million signatures) that could enforce new elections? Or ist this just "medial pressure"?

It's something like:

10,000 gets an email response
100,000 gets a debate in parliament

That's all... and I don't think anyone in particular has to attend the debates so it's usually a mostly empty room. -__-