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RE: Multiculturalism. Hmmmm.

in Reflections2 years ago

everyone is like that, nothing to talk about cause their attitudes are like so what non of my business.

Yeah exactly. And I can't even blame them, that's totally natural whatever race or religion or whatever you might be. But while other countries do everything to embrace their heritage, we are happy to erode ours and are terrified at being called bigots if we ever try to conserve it.

If a million people from some far-away land came over waving the British flag while practicing their English accents, then damn, more the merrier, help us out with this decaying NHS! But yeah, that ain't happening.


Speaking of this decaying NHS, I'm terrified by what I had to go through with an ingrown toenail. I had inflammation, pus and pain for 2weeks and realised it's quite an emergency, could be infected. I went to NHS to get a referral or something as they kept just prescribing Fucidin for 6months while the toenail had been ingrowing deeper. The doctor rejected to give a referral nor see me, thankfully got antibiotics. At last, I booked a private podiatrist that costs 120 for an initial visit without surgery. And I couldn't wait another 2 weeks so I bought the tools from Amazon and performed surgery myself without anaesthesia. I had to dig up another vertically grown toenail beneath the toenail otherwise it would pierce to the bottom of the toe. After experiencing this, I decided to leave this country as soon as graduated seriously.

Hah. I have had an ingrown nail for what... 7 years now? My left one had it 10 years ago and I had surgery in Korea. Job done, never had an issue since.

The right toe, well I was in China. I've had 3 surgeries on it now. The first two made it worse just by ripping the whole nail out and making it grow back wilder, the third just was a more major version of that (seriously, like 4 surgeons, wheeled into a room with bright lights, stayed two nights kinda shit), and it still grew back the same lol.

Nobody seems to know how to solve it in this country but the photos I took of it... I save them to shock friends who think they can't be shocked hahah... And yeah now I just do it all myself. I generally keep it at bay by keeping the side as short as possible at all times and I found a good shape of nail cutter that works for me. But... until I find somebody who will just deal with it in a modern way, blood oozing through my socks every day is just a way of life now.

BUT, at least I can get service here, even if it doesn't actually do much.

I decided to leave this country as soon as graduated seriously.

Probably wise (depending on where you're from).

I suppose England will decay and fall into a third-world state so much so that immigrants will decide to go elsewhere in the end, anyway and we'll be coming to them (as many already are like myself)

I generally keep it at bay by keeping the side as short as possible at all times
What I know is the opposite way to prevent ingrowing, the sides should not be cut short, growing them as long as possible lined straight. I also didn't know this until I rigorously watched instructions on Youtube.

Probably wise (depending on where you're from).
I'm from Korea and yeah I'm kinda proud you had the surgery done in Korea. These are one of the facts that Korean medical systems are the best in the world. And I can't give up on having benefited from that.

and we'll be coming to them (as many already are like myself)
Well best of lucks with your journey ahead in your home country. Obviously it will be different from an international student's, as most likely you'll be welcomed by family and friends.

the sides should not be cut short,

Oh trust me, I know. I did it all my life. I had to prove it to the doc by showing my other foot, and how perfectly my nails were done on that side. However, the bad one now grows wider than it originally was after the first botched surgery and there was nothing I could do, and even after the major third surgery they said it was just fixing a disaster but doesn't solve the root problem. So, this is all I can do I guess!

Korean medical systems are the best in the world.

I can attest to that, although I remember them jabbing me in the butt for what was just some routine checkup, and it caused me to faint, trousers falling round my ankles, onto an old lady. Pretty funny in hindsight XD

you'll be welcomed by family and friends.

I've no family or friends left over there haha, but yeah I'll figure it out =)

this is all I can do I guess!

You can see a podiatrist when you come back here, and I heard they do laser after the surgery then it solves the root problem.

and it caused me to faint, trousers falling round my ankles, onto an old lady.

wow I'm sorry you fainted by being jabbed in the butt, and probably the old lady won't forget an unusual occasion of a foreigner leaning on her half naked, or fainting.

I've no family or friends left over there haha, but yeah I'll figure it out =)

mm how come? well, anyway, people are adaptable like me all alone for more than a year as surrounded by 99 Indian classmates and 1 Korean myself.

That does sound very lonely - but I do remember similar feelings when I moved to Korea all alone! Scary...