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RE: F**k England, I'm out.

in Reflections11 months ago

I remember reading Canada has one of, if not the highest rate of immigration in the world?? Half a million a year or something crazy like that.

If the infrastructure can handle it and the integration successful then sure why not, but if the UK is anything to go by, it's never that easy... Too fast a rate of change for an animal who really doesn't like change XD


I was independently thinking Canada could be a good choice for you because of it's immigration tolerance. I haven't lived there, but I've visited and it is a nice place. I would give it some thought.

For a while now I've been getting weirdly specific ads like 'live in China and want to work in Canada?? click here now!'

Creepy... and yeah since I officially became a winter person after my first ski, Canada felt like a fantastic option. But my mum isn't in Canada, nor any other elements of fundamental life that I need to get out the way before shipping myself off again. I guess its kinda hard to explain, but the choice is here in China, or England. England is off the table, so... I guess it's here!