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RE: F**k England, I'm out.

in Reflections10 months ago (edited)

Well hey I married one of those savages so unless I'm a savage too, they're not all that way. In fact, her and her family are a better breed of human than anyone in my own family, including myself. They're kinder, harder working, more honest, intelligent and educated, and overall more wholesome. It's been hard for my brain to comprehend what it's like being in a functional, healthy family.

BUT, in the context of a HKer, I can definitely see your angle lol. Just be careful with serpentza and laowhy, they're not dishonest exactly (I still watch them too), but they're very doom-mongery. They only have the negative spin on everything. They try to be balanced by saying 'however we LOVE the people' but in the same breath say that they're primitive and dirty with awful culture and music.

Like I said, I still watch them, but I'm always careful to be aware; they can never say anything positive (not without saying 'but...') because positivity isn't their brand.

so mayhaps we can meet up?

Well, I don't even know what I'm doing next week, let alone several years from now XD but I will eventually need some friends to start things off from scratch heh


Hearin ya loud and clear.

Regarding the "savagery" I didn't mean that in a negative sense. I don't mean they are barbaric too, as I've been to China many times. I just meant they are....different lol. You know the score.

If you return here, you have a friend in me.

Just wanted to drop this on thy radar though, from the Guardian newspaper site

So if you return, please return with lots of potatoes lol.