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RE: My Job is a Farce

in Reflectionslast month

Yeah I've heard a lot of this. It's hard to be skeptical about the sciences too because there is an almost cult-like defense of it, people claiming it's flawless, there's a consensus, etc etc. People seem to ignore the fact that humans are flawed and there will always be a percentage there ruining it with corruption and cheating to get ahead. This has been true since bacterial slimes ruled the oceans.

I'm sure you're aware of the recent replication crisis, but there's also things like, for example, here in China, there's basically a 100% success rate with any research into TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), acupuncture and the like. The 'Scientific' papers published are unanimous. TCM is effective if not better than what they call 'western' medicine. Yet, in the 'west', it seems unanimous that it's all a giant placebo. Consensus, my arse!

How can that be, if science is so perfect?

Or maybe, just maybe, there's money in it.