Aren't we getting hacked when we follow suggestion to act differently?
I like this interpretation. I'm intrigued by the future concept of us simply being biological machines that succumb to the same things. I mean, we did call computer viruses 'viruses' for a reason.
Robots, or perhaps zombies, from the drugs in the US are pretty terrifying, too. I'd consider those people hacked.
I have heard that people on LSD might argue this, as that location can be lost
Likely just one of the silly things the brain does on that stuff... worth me digging up some more about 'thinking location', as I recall people in ancient times believing their mind was in their heart's location (the centre of the body). It's possible it's just learned somehow?? Hmm.
I don't read philosophers either
I've read enough of your content to know you don't need 'em heh.