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RE: Participating In Community Projects

in Reflections5 months ago

Hi, Erikah, I think these projects you've been involved in are great. The Universe listened to you when you thought you wanted to participate in that tree weaving project, which I remember well.
The books are a great idea. I don't know of anything like that around here, but there must be something... I'll ask around.
And lastly... we can always help by donating. We have to make room for the new. I always say that. Good for you for that.

I hope you are well and sorting out everything that may have been weighing you down a bit.


I'm sure you can find some sort of charity around you. Just ask around and most likely you'll find something.

I'm k, thank you, struggling with the heat, but it won't last forever. How are you my friend?

I'm alive 😅

A hug.